Oneitis got a black bf

>oneitis got a black bf
Does this happen in your cunt?

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Good for her!!!!!!!

I only have crushes on girls that I now for certain are single.

'if i see a cute girl that loves black guys it's marriage material

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then why don’t you go for them

Yaaay!!! I'm so happy for her OP!!

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who the fuck is oneitis

Yeah, got a black gf myself

Sorry it was me who stole your gf. Don't worry I'm just going to cum inside her and then dump her when she is pregnant.

You can have her after that bro!

is she a streamer or something

yes it happens and yes it's hot

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My thoughts exactly. zoomers I swear...

Not oneitis but girl I was friends with has one, I only bring it up because she's genuinely the only white girl I've met who dates a black guy.

jew thread

>2 oneitis don't like me at all


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No but my oneitis turned out to be a lesbian, cucked by God I suppose.

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>ruined my oneitis life
>got my life together some years after
>now she's the one who wishes she had me

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tomorrow if the thread is still up

get over it dude

Whats an oneitis?

i don't even interact with women enough to have one

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Jannies are probably gonna kill it soon man

I had to look it up. It's some normie relationship shit.

Never met a black person in real life. I still insult them on this website though.

this apparently. one-itis
stupid word; I thought it had something to do with 'oneir-', meaning 'dream'

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Just get a Steppe gf, it will make you happier.

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Just transition bro

Hadn't thought of that...

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>oneitis is now a man
>would literally go gay for them
>they only like women now
I'm going to fucking die

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