The Prophet Mohammed was a White man

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That's ali you dumb fuck

thats Ali (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)

No, that's white Mohammed peace be upon him.

Muhammed Ali was black dumbass.


Dum Ali Ali dum Ali Ali dum Ali Ali dum Ali. Dum dum Ali Ali dum Ali Ali Yaaaaaa Ali Allah hu Akbar.

Seeing as he was a redhead, he was of either Irish or Jewish descent.

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is based

> 2020
> Believes abrahamic religious figures existed

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Why do wytys want to claim Mohammed now?
Fine have him he was a lame schizo other famous Arabs at his time could easily dwarf him

How do you explain the cloak of Juan Diego then? Modern science says it was only possible with a miracle.

I know this is Ali but do you think the west would see Islam alot more favourably if pictures of Mohammed being white were allowed?

Literally a hoax to bamboozle dumb gullible indians, the religious equivalent of exchanging land for mirrors

that's Ali

I’m neutral about the shroud, but why would the virgin send an image that looks painted for the time period? Why not send an image or something more surprising? The ability to survive this long is amazing, but seems kind of weird.

>dumb gullible indians
The Indios didn’t fall for it. That’s what they wanted the Spanish to think.

Not a hoax to trick indians if the indians did it themselves, the white bishop didn't even believe Diego until he brought the cloak and roses.

Well, majority of mexicans believe in the guadalupe virgen so it did work. I hope we can ditch out such semitic non sense, its one of the things dragging us down

Surely our problems are Catholicism and not the cartels running rampant and the massive amount of corruption everywhere, right?

Jesus and Mohammad definitely existed tho

> I said one of the things, not the only one

Explain how it is keeping us down.
Explain how "getting rid" of it would lift us up.
Explain why Mexico didn't become paradise with C*lles as president.

>> Implying i'd waste my time explaining obvious things, such as the correlation between secularism and high life quality

Stop shilling on this mongolian basket weaving forum, "padre"

Secucklar nations are quickly dying and well on their way to go extinct and you know it.
Western Europe's high standard of living is not because any secular bullshit, but because of the riches gained during their imperialist days.

>Secucklar nations are quickly dying and well on their way to go extinct and you know it.
It is depressing in a way, but you are right.

Thats because they're cucks. You can be secular without being cucked, which is impossible in religious shitholes.

That's different Ali

what is your address?

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There's nothing depressing about it lol.
>not a cuck

reported to saudi religious police