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Haha very funny ok rape you next week


I thought it was funny guys :/

i thought it was funny too

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Haha rape you next week

Genuinely think of leaving my house after I turn 25, otherwise my mother is going to drive me mad since she expects me to get married by 28.

Why do you think we would be able to relate? (We don't)

because Muslims have a similar thing in their cultures??

ok rape you later


fuck you got me good



Algerian shocked, Indian rocks


France btfo

Algerian shocked! Indians ROCK!
Please share this to all Indians.

smelly microdicked indians commit the most rapes than any other arab, everytime a western tourist comes to India poos follow him around the dirty country like a swarm of insects. And learn to you use the toilet monkey

shutup goatfucker. Go back to raping your goats

From a medical journal,
Middle Eastern men have a penis size of 12.53cm
Indian men have a penis size of 13.01cm

We’re both dicklets, Muhammad.

nice one jeet

whites despise your curry putrid shit smelling shit eating ass, most disgusting "culture" to ever exist
And btw I'm 17cm

damn tamil men are super chads

nobodu cares about whites. Whites can go fuck their own moms and sisters.

You can go piss on quran nd flush it down the toilet

mate you sound really triggered. I didn’t mean to insult Muslims I was just poking at the French.

i'll piss on your shit smeared face and crush your curry brain with my glorious foot you pathetic midget poo you filthy dung worshipper

poo in the loo

hes cute

Pretty much any army of the subcontinent, be it India or Pakistan is better than every single Middle Eastern army in every single way, with the exception being Israel.
Even the combined force of your countries cannot take on Pakistan.

>m-muh nukes
Yeah, the biggest shithole in the world, congrats poojeet

Seething poorfag from a bigger shithole. Stay mad

Why are you so aggressive towards Indians?

kek based


I think he took an offence to my comment here which is ironic because I am myself Muslim...

nobody even knows about your shithole country and where it exists on the map irrelevant sand niglet.

>calls me shithole
We should start bullying poojeets like the good old days instead of americans so they could know their places
poo in the loo

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this thread just keeps getting better and better

poojeet is mad