America is turning into a mixed race dystopia and nobody is saying anything about it

America is turning into a mixed race dystopia and nobody is saying anything about it

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The people are saying “WE LIKE SEX”
Now little incel, I think it’s time for you to go to sleep. Hug your pillow and pretend it’s a gf

Lucky boys

those guys look british though

its the gingers era.

U mad black boi?

is that simply one black woman with different men? literally can't tell

You should visit the southern states. All of them are interracial breeding grounds. Everyone white dude had a Latina gf when I was in Texas

Texas is not the South

White Husband/Black Wife is actually one of the strongest couple and parenting combinations you can have. It's the opposite that's the problem.

>Belgium is not Europe
Thats how stupid you sound right now

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Ralph Waldo Emerson and Jung said that this was a good thing and that the resulting "hybridization" (in Emerson's words) would create a new race of people who were liberated from the irrational ancient feuds that dominated the old world. Jung added that he believed that an America that gave up on racial purity as a value would produce the greatest artists ever to exist.

Texas is not part of the South, don't group us with your poverty ridden shitholes

Attached: Texas.png (785x757, 15.58K)

How would you explain that to your black son?

name the southern most states in the US user

stupid analogy

Explain what?

The South is bound together by a common culture of being poverty ridden shitholes, it's not geographic. Texas is not part of the South.

Attached: usa_south_region_country_powerpoint_maps_Slide02.jpg (960x720, 75.6K)

here Ill start from the west coast
California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida

Now where is the cultural boundary for "the south" in the US as it meets westward? Oh yeah ITS FUCKING TEXAS

Texas was apart of Dixie, therefore they are south

>getting qt QVEEN gf

Arizona isnt southwest is west coast, all of the post rockies states belong to Californian Dominion

>nobody is saying anything about it
literally makes a dumb thread about it looool go bask in your bountiful amount of sheilas, who tf cares about yanks

Someone is projecting

>all of the post rockies states belong to Californian Dominion
This. Las Vegas is just an LA suburb now too.

>turning into
White men have been banging black women in this country since forever

>state sponsored QVEENS
where do i sign up

>almost flipped for Biden
TX will be Cali in a few years at this rate.

You misspelled utopia

normies gonna fugg bruh

I'm not sure it's worth the generations of genetic illnesses

It will, all the tech companies are fleeing California for Austin.

no, he's correct

>America is turning into a mixed race dystopia
stop the presses

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