BASED and truth pilled. Americans that don't speak X language, don't have strong family roots in X, don't have investments/land/stakes in X, and don't go to X often aren't X people.
They are X Americans and the most cringy kind. Not only are they traitorous shits who bailed on their own country for economic benefits. But they feel they are special for being from another country that they betrayed while also betraying their new home by showing (fake) patriotism to the old country they betrayed and left behind.
Worst part is that they don't recognize they are advertising their constant treachery and cringyness.
>Americans that don't speak X language, I speak spanish >don't have strong family roots in X, my entire family lives in mexico or on the border > don't have investments/land/stakes in X, I do > and don't go to X often aren't X people. I do
but I'm "not" mexican meh, I don't give a fuck about being Mexican or not
Julian Fisher
>but I'm "not" mexican Obviously you're not Mexican. You're not in Mexico and not a Mexican resident+national.
Only difference is that you would be less cringy than the other chicanos who wave mexican flags claiming MUH HURRITAGE on US soil while never having set foot in mexico and don't even speak a lick of spanish.
Jackson Rodriguez
>Mexican resident+national I am literally a mexican national you stupid fuck many people in my family have spent most or much of their entire lives on one or the other side of the border inspite of being born on the other side, its a stupid semantic meme, there's no reason besides autism to consider me as a non american or non mexican, but whatever, its meaningless
Jaxson Scott
Nice try fat
Jacob Butler
>Mexican Your flag says you are American.
Julian Reyes
I'm skinny and as I said I don't give a shit there are immigrants who post under this flag, its irrelevant I never said I wasn't american
Nicholas Nguyen
Why does Zig Forums is full of chicanos man? Do the blond chads Thundercock over there bully you so much you become incels and avoid going out? Its actually cringe because you're literally reinforcing trump's words about the ethnic replacement of white america
Justin Miller
Chicanos aren't the worst because a lot of them actually did come from Mexico/South America or they're direct descendants of someone that did and a good portion of them know Spanish, but it is cringe. The people that need to be bullied more are Irish Americans, the biggest connection most of them have to their "heritage" is owning random shitty merch with four leaf clovers on it and posting IRA memes online.
Noah Rodriguez
There's literally more mexicans on here than chicanos by far you autist. Why are you such a cuck you're thinking about white men and white genocide conspiracy theories? self hating freak
Isaac Young
chinga tu madre joto
Nathaniel Cruz
>Chicanos aren't the worst I never see fucking salvadorian, chileans, brazilians, or argies waving their fucking flags everywhere. Flying them in front of their homes, on their cars, and openly during riots.
No I dont care about conspiracy theories but this place does indeed radicalize people. If the average white suburban autists listens to alex jones, read some far right website and also see american flags larping as chicanos and the amerimutt meme, then he'll probably chimp out. It has happened... The problem is not these isolated cases but when it crystalizes into ideas that sway public opinion. Thats literally how the holocaust happened
Chase Brown
who gives a fuck what white incels think you boot licker. no one is LARPing except them
Gavin Allen
But then youd be a CHI
Mason Campbell
Nice try spic. Majority of americans on Zig Forums are spics.
Chase Edwards
cope white incel
Jacob Russell
Mexicans all wish to be CHI in their hearts. Some just talk tough and patriotic on the internet because they have no shot.
t. CHI
Alexander Collins
Im not bootlicker but Im an historian I do this for a living and we can see patterns that repeat every century or so
Parker Thompson
Maybe they do wish to be CHIs but cmon, all diaspora are retards. It was chicanos that tried to get speedy gonzales banned after all, and brown diaspora that got Apu from los simpsons banned. Thats just two examples but you have to admit that from the homelands view we are massive pussies which is why we get made fun of
Jonathan Allen
Oh and not to mention their use of latinx
Cooper Edwards
>extreme minority of leftists also present in MEXICO = 36 million people God I fucking hate psuedo intellectuals so much. shut the fuck up