How has 2020 fucked you up?

What a shit year. My mental health has deteriorated beyond belief.

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To be honest it has woken me up more than it has fucked me up

I can't even talk to people now, it's fucking depressing. I have 1 friend, and he's like a brother to me but I would also like a gf

I have always worked from home so not that much



I completely fell off the wagon this year. Could not have imagined I would have sunk this low but I did lol

I'm richer in terms of portfolio, career prospects probably slightly worse, went from Zig Forums to /fat/ with all the gyms closed, and liver probably worse too given stay at home orders = alcohol.

Hold kæft din kraftidiot
Dræb dig selv


Nothing has changed.

What is this

It's been a shit year indeed. Literally not a single good thing has happened to me. unbelievable.

here's to hoping 2021 won't be as shit but man are my hopes low.

please don't hurt me

Take the daoism pill. the year wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it just was. Hmhm

I became autistic again, i get anxious whenever i interact with someone that is not a family member

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no me siento bien

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Very very badly. Second worst year of my life. Dropped out of university. Lost all my friends completely, completely alone. Found out yesterday my dog had to be put down and we put her down the same day. So I’ve cried so much yesterday and today.

din schäfer mannen? sorgligt favä
skolan är lugn dock, d bara att börja igen senare

Heh, same here.

>introverts who stay home and shit post all the time online

I got home office so it was a great year

it's been a great year, getting rid of my demons and riding the waves of life

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Lads if you feel rough don't worry because I promise you haven't had a worse year than me. Thank God I don't have a car or I'd be a carbon monoxide casualty by now.

I'm sorry for your loss user :(

Didn't fuck me up at all, I'd say it was the opposite. Doing uni through the internet makes it less annoying and obviously easier. You do need a lot of self-discipline for it though. I also started hanging out with my friends more and doing fun things with them once a month. Those fun """things""" helped me out quite a bit on their own.

how fragile are you? Imagine being in a war or some shit, grow a pair faggot

The same as any other year for me.

My life has only improved this year. I finally got my first job after being a neet for 3 years, I'm saving up a decent amount of money and I'm slightly less autistic thanks to having to interact with my coworkers.

even before rona I had been hermitted for more than a year because my ex gf had a sudden schizo snap, attacked me like a zombie, and nearly killed herself in a way that would have had me accused of her murder right after, so I developed PTSD and haven't been able to interact with society without sperging out and nearly punching someone

I quit alcohol
i bought an old used sailboat, fixed it and sailed
I started working out a lot, got sorta ripped
I deleted all my dating apps and stopped trying for girls
I learned to draw art
I bought a piano keyboard
I bought really nice chad clothes and I look way better
I started studying part time in uni to get a better job
and I talk to myself and clench my hands in my hair tightly as I do my daily duties

im determined to come out of this better than ever even if I'm permanently fucked up

I lost my job.

Lost my job and gf broke up with me the same day and my dad died lol

damn, are you ok? im sorry to hear user

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are you some sort of retard? good luck killing yourself with car exhausts with modern cars lol you'll puke and get some lung damage at most

Nä det var en australian shepherd
Thank you

shit year, completely fucked up my plans.

For me nothing really changes i’d say I quite enjoyed normie seethe for most of the year

No but I’m too much of a coward to Jill myself and I own multiple guns

Also I’m still unemployed and cannot find a job and I don’t get unemployment anymore