Asian people are decent hard working and smart people

>Asian people are decent hard working and smart people
>But we are bullied the worst


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You are clearly not that smart and don't work that hard at being not bullied.

Don't worry though. USA will protect you.

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Because there's an unspoken fact that blacks and browns will chimp out at you if you make fun of their race.

I want an asian gf so bad bros

This. We have to make fun of someone and asians take it well. Negros get mad when they hear the facts.

>>Asian people are decent hard working and smart people
>work yourself to death
>even has a own word for this "Karoshi"
that is not smart that is stupid as fuck

Japan is one of the most popular countries in the world in terms of foreigners' opinions, is very desirable for visiting and people enjoy Japanese cuisine. You're a very advanced and rich county with high quality of living and life expectancy. In what way are people bullying you? At worst Japan is sometimes bullied by China and might rarely be bullied by Korea when they actually have the power to do so.

>hard working

Are you blind ?

I was that kid drawing swastikas in high school

No one likes little bookworms

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Asians are just very cringe, uncreative and pretty much only know to follow orders. It's like they're always seeking approvement and can't think by themselves.

Did you make this image?

Original is this

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somehow less realistic

What's stopping the black kid from reading books? It's free at the library.

Because However white people around them invested money on them , they don't study at all and they are complaining to white

White are declining in power and population and so they are about to lose temper

Niggers man

japanese to english translations are the best

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The overarching point is that asians actually care about humanity while whites are too busy engaging in impotent power fantasies to care.

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Anybody saying Asians are uncreative is the most hilarious thing ever especially on Zig Forums which is literally a Western copy of Japanese styled imageboards.

What we associate positively with Islam, like Sufism, music, poetry and all that beautiful Ottoman culture and shit comes massively from Turkic Muslims, who in their genetic and physical makeup were Asiatic, descended from the Xiongnu tribal confederation of Northern China.

And not like everybody else isn’t just blatantly copying modern Western architecture. Go look at Arabs, they literally put a Big Ben styled clock tower on their holy site. Or at Africa. Or at Latin America. Even here. Chinese and Japanese did it so good, even better than Westerners that the West began seething and saying “Y-You’re just c-copying us!”. Cope.

based lil nigga with all that money

Turks are more greek than asian Mr tard fuck

>Turks are more greek than asian Mr tard fuck
Turkish people are definitely in between Whites and Middle Easterners/Caucasus people. But the original Oghuz Turkic horde, and the root of Proto-Turkic culture is North East Asia.

You can still find many “Asiatic” looking Turks.

>small pee
>small bodies
>low test
>always have their eyes closed

That's explains it
That's why you are bulled in America

>But we are bullied the worst
jews are blamed for a worldwide global conspiracy to wipe out the straight white male by funneling refugees into europe and the usa and also by promoting lgbt and poc
your not even in our league kid

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Asian people have no rights in the west.

Attached: old_white_man_beats_the_shit_out_of_asian_train_rider.webm (350x620, 3M)

but im not asian bro

We take care of our Asians. They have food and fresh water. Plenty of opportunities to grow.

>Anybody saying Asians are uncreative is the most hilarious thing ever especially on Zig Forums

Pic related.

Also, there's no incentive to innovate in Europe/America when the Chinese will steal your shit.

So companies are just consolidating capital (hoarding money).

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