Japanese schools force you to dye your hair black if you're a brunette. Fucking racist japshits

Japanese schools force you to dye your hair black if you're a brunette. Fucking racist japshits

Attached: racism.jpg (320x180, 17.34K)

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in american school non-black cock is banned

The JAP teacher has a fetish for virgin high school girls with long straight black hair.


yo this is actually true at least in my high school

this is not racism
this is Assimilation policy

This isn't racist

Punishing deviancy is based

it's not because they hate whites you schizo, it's because they're a conformist/collectivist country

and that collective excludes a racial feature you retard

And where fuck is the link you fucking nigger? Sounds kind of fake or at least misinformed desu

Is this your first day on Zig Forums? This isn't anything new. Seriously when did you start posting here?

>country is like 99% Japanese (other 1% is mostly Koreans and Chinese, also black-haired)
>surprised that policies are orientated towards the absolute majority

extremely based

>oh noes think of the handful of white students in japanese public school across the whole country!!1

>moving the goalposts
average weeb

American individualism was a mistake

t. Kim Park Moon

More like Gim Pak Mun, idk why Koreans don't spell their names like how they're pronounced.

My friend during 7th grade had natural brown head as an asian. Pretty sure it was recessive gene because his whole family besides him had black hair. No he did not dye it, but it is super rare.

Lol his mom cucked her husband


t. honorary insect

And shitty one

What’s wrong with banning dyed hair? Why’s it have to be black specifically?

Japanese school is a product of madness.

there are no such hair color for real japanese
also schools never mind gaijin students' hair color
seeth harder kek

Attached: DSC_0978_1.jpg (450x300, 56.66K)

How can a country that loved to give it’s fictional characters the most ridiculously coloured and outlandish hair possible be so against it in real life?

would you force whites and niggers to dye their skin yellow?

There's nothing really wrong with banning dyed hair, it's just part of the dress code that you agree to when you enroll in the school. Some schools outside of Tokyo take it further and ban non-black hair though, which is stupid

I think because the school thought they dyed their hair
See Don't trust anything in the internet, especially if it's about Japan or China

contrary to what you know from your favorite anime, japan is a conservative country with a collectivist culture.

The Osaka hair dye lawsuit is very well documented. The girl was fully Japanese, and the teachers did know that brown was her natural hair color, and yet they still wanted her to dye her hair.

but you stink

Attached: bakagaijin.png (288x274, 47.29K)

Some do have brown hair though alongside people with foreign ancestry like Japanese Brazilians.

japan is trannytown totally genelate