Why does Russia have low birthrate when their women look like this?
Why does Russia have low birthrate when their women look like this?
widespread abortion
Because those women usually only want to have kids by 30 and then they have 1 kid maybe.
Have you seen what their guys look like?
ew disgusting bellybutton. would not have sex with
because they only want BBC
They all have penises
There is a gross video of her eating the asses of some nasty old hairy russian men.
Like this?
Russian men look like this.
what is this painting of?
They look like that BECAUSE they don't have children.
Red Army going apeshit on German women
what do BAHRAIN men look like?
Liberation (consensual) of German pussies by the big Russian cock circa 1945.
>russian soldiers raping blue eyes blonde hair women at gunpoint
Kinda obvious user
i don't understand how so much metal shit used to happen like that
Because majority of them are with Brazilian men and producing white babies for Brazil.
russians are too drunk to have sex.
what's wrong with feetfags?
>1/2 Slav
I fucked an ukranian whore some years ago. Yeah, they are pretty but she was very cold and serious, I didnt even enjoy sex, I prefer my ugly goblinas, at least they are friendly
they also want to have kids only from rich men, they prefer immigrate and suck rice cock, rather than marry ivan
regular russiancel has no chance
If you knew where that women had been you wouldn't touch her with Satan's dick.
Only for Chadsym Ivancock, russiancels dont get pussy
russian men are abusive and losers women are some form of damage
I will go over there and get her pregnant with twins