Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China can see the characteristic of the country by looking at the text

Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China can see the characteristic of the country by looking at the text.

Japan - Takes the inconvenience and values tradition. Write three different letters. It's good to value tradition, but it's not innovative at all.

Korea - We value innovation. Our people go ahead and fix anything uncomfortable right away. Develop new things to form Korea's original culture.

Vietnam - They want to innovate too, but their people are not as innovative and creative as Koreans. So, they use foreign characters. So their culture doesn't seem very original.

China - Their people destroy their culture with their own hands. It is called simplified Chinese character. There is no nation in the world that destroys their culture by themselves. I can say Chinese are very stupid.

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Koreans may be progressive but that leads to degenerate shit like feminism and circumcision

Your entire script is literally just a corrupted version of Mongol seal script, which in itself is just corrupted Tibetan and from that corrupted Sanskrit.
I would at least understand if you mixed hanja and hangul like how the Japanese mix kanji and kana and you do in your constitution, but in its current form your entire system is god awful

>Talking about genital mutilation
You cunts mutilate your sons more than any other country, you started the tradition then spread it through Asia, you even tried to spread it in Australia until it was banned 20 or so years ago.


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Can we talk about the bullshit studies that have been conducted in America that have somehow been peer reviewed that say genital mutilation is a good thing?
The CSIRO of Australia has determined it causes brain damage among other things.

your language is totally based on Japanese language, if you erase every Kanji words that made by Japanese, then you can't read any sentences.

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why are East Asians so superstitious?

Just because my countrymen are circumcised doesn't mean I support it. In fact, I'm not even circumcised.

stop all this shitposting, man go back to ruliweb or somewhere.

i disagree to b honest. i like china's writing system the best because it uses chinese characters. second best is korea because they know they'll either use chinese characters properly or not at all. next is japan, they use chinese characters in a half-arsed manner. vietnam isn't really comparable, they're a very different culture.

korean did nothing some innovating stuff.
just stealing and copying Japan, and made it worse, that's why korean still buy every material or machine stuff from Japan.

Because they aren't very religous

actually, if korea used chinese characters and hangul together i'd think they have the most superior writing system out of the three. think about it.

>vietnam isn't really comparable, they're a very different culture.
Vietnam is part of the Sinosphere

>yet another shitrean coping thread

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Japan should stop hating Korea and turn that anger back toward China.

Stupid half Korean Australian

Actually we did have our own writing system, although it look very similar to Chinese

Attached: 37a8c-kieu1p-1.jpg (310x196, 46.99K)

But those are both based.

from what i've experienced it seems koreans shit more on japanese than chinese, so they naturally hate koreans
i wonder why

Japan does hate China as much as Korea, but on Zig Forums there are no Chinese flags to fight with.
It's Koreans who should focus more on hating China.

this is the most retarded thing i've ever read on this board

>Japanese alphabet
They're smart to the point of being stupid
>Korean alphabet
You guys are far more like the Nips and Chinese than you like to admit
>Vietnamese alphabet
Actually, they did it because the French offered a monetary incentive
>Chinese alphabet
Nah, commies are stupid.

More like the Japanese chose spirituality over senseless materialism. Even your pop culture is just a hangul version of western culture

your cunt literally had to ask a chink to design your shitty flag for you

Russia - west*ids believe it's some weird scribbles and reversed Latin letters, while in reality it is just Greek alphabet.

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>american education

koreans shocked


Op is mentally ill, has been spamming this for a month, do not bump this thread.

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