/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico

Hilo anime

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footkraut is 39 and still lives with parents


It feels like there is a bad bruise on the inside of my thigh but I don't see any bruise

playstation never recovered

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thinkin bout those beans

dont support any american companies

And a chickendog

You have a blood clot RIP

You're a turkeycat

>You're a turkeycat

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my top 3 /cum/ posters

1. sashy
2. jason
3. the gay brit



Girls with no gag reflex are goated

Why do other women even exist?


whys /cum/ so dead tonight

True, gaystation has no gaems

i've already killed most of the posters. You're next, user.

ummmmm sweaty

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I'm too busy trolling noobs on other boards with soyjacks

sweet release

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Not for a while for me

autismo power hour

You mean
>jersey tied with binland

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i got ants in my pants and i needs to dance

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perhaps anime is the ticket

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High school of the dead was so based

Anime is the ticket to sex

it was terrible but so, so fun to watch

FUCK toil and FUCK you

with your right hand that is true

bf just went to bed
time to get drunk

stinky poop

going down the rabbit hole of trashy highschoolers

>guy gets arrested tons of times, generally needs meds
>has a baby with some chick
>long ass public facebook posts of infidelity right after that
>she had a half black baby a year before that
>long ass public posts of screenshots of people calling her baby a nigger
>go to those peoples profiles
>long ass chain of nazis and odin chuds

this is great

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