Arabic speakers are actually different ethnicities, different cultures, different dialects, different sects, different histories.
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Opan Gangnam Style!
rightful mesopotamian clay
السلام عليكم
So is Gulf Arabic the original/purest Arabic? I have heard Egyptian is the lingua franca
kek didn't see this dead ass thread before I made my own /mena/
>So is Gulf Arabic the original/purest Arabic
hajzi arabic is the purest arabic
>I have heard Egyptian is the lingua franca
lol no one likes the egypise dialect its cringe & ugly
>Gulf is the original arabic
>egyptian is lingua franca
It is because we have the most influence through media and all mena zoomers listen to our zoomer music is mad because Iraqi Arabic is a literal who and everyone confuses it for Gulfi arabic
>Iraqi Arabic is a literal
Honestly, I love when no one understands our dialect
>because Iraqi Arabic is a literal who and everyone confuses it for Gulfi arabic
Alright nigga
write me a long ass sentence in your dialect and I'll decipher it.
Long live the awaited Pharaoh, Ramses IV, who sat on the throne in 2014.
Soon we will change our alphabet to this
turdman :)
egypise :)
That's offensive
Please, be more polite
Palestinian dialect is the best one by far
خراي عليكم اتركونا كنتو بلا ثريد مرتاحين. كل مرة نفس الخرا بيجي الفلسطيزي الملحد يعمل فهمان و اللاجأ السوري اللي بيمص للسعودية و الاردني اللوطي و كم عرص و بتعيدوا نفس الخرا روحوا اعملوا شي ينفعكم يا مخانيث
Is it true that you guys say "ani" instead of "ana". Are you guys fucking likes in disguise?
>MBC action airing lip sync battle
>one of the participants is pic related
Yet these faggots don't air the WWE women wrestling
>Is it true that you guys say "ani" instead of "ana"
only Iraqis in central Iraq uses "ani" instead of "ana"
bedouins say ''ana''
>Are you guys fucking likes in disguise?
It's our dialect its not mutually intelligible with other arabic speakers
Yes our language has been influenced by our ancestors, the sumerians, who came from india. We even use insults that indians use like “gandoo” and “binchod” etc
My ancestors :)
wtf is this flag? do arap nationalists really?
نيك نفسك
brothers convert to islam now
fuck off pajeet
I'm already Mooslim ¯\_(ツ)_/¯