Do you ever go back and look at pictures from your days in high school?
Do you ever go back and look at pictures from your days in high school?
kill, kill, kill, fuck, kill, marry, kill, fuck, fuck
I hated high school, and want to forget about it.
No, I barely took any
I never took pictures and all my memories from that time were suppressed
No I try my best to forget it all
Wanna play
6 > 4 > 8 = 9 > 7 > 2 > 3 > 5
no I hated my classmates and we were not allowed to take pictures or have cell phones out
6 was seen by many as one of the hottest girls in my school
6 > 4 = 7 > 2 = 3 = 5 > 8 = 9
The Asian in the middle sent nudes to my friend and he showed me. Her legs were wide open in front of the camera lol.
welke zijde gij barteke
I don't have a single picture on my school page's 1000 or do photo's, I would always run away when they took pics.
>I svffer in evrope
do you have her instagram?
or so*
I have like 5 photos.
she looks like a vietnamese girl I once knew, she sent me nudes too
is she viet?
This is from 2013 and I barely know their names anymore
I know 6 was called Sam though, fuck she was hot
Never asked, she seemed kinda mixed to me
iktf, i dug up my high school graduation pic now and had forgot about literally half the people lol
Post it
I was planning to but i'm in the picture and it's VERY obvious who's the Zig Forums user of the class
and I don't want to dox myself
censor yourself
Posting my parallell class
Qt blond
But what is parallel class?
we shared a lot of classes with them, p.e, trips etc
i knew all of these people (also slept with one of the girls in the pic)
two blonde girls in front and the brunette with the braid are cute
Which one
>Can I stand on the chairs in the back miss? No? alright
nee want ik ben geen pedolelg
nu opkankeren pedo
Rustig Hoekstra, ze zijn meerderjarig nu.
gentlemen's has no memory
i masturbate to middle school girls pictures from my class...
children... SEX SEX SEX
All of those girls would've been considered hot at my school.
not brown enough user
3rd from the left looks like she's a nice person
I don't have any
Is bottom left a nigger or asian?
she's latinx
All whores