What do you think of the monarchy your country?

what do you think of the monarchy your country? Do you agree with your kings? Are you proud? Or do you consider it something anachronistic and a waste of money?

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If your nation has a monarch you are as cucked as can be (with the exception of Spain, those dudes are based)

>tfw we didn't manage to eradicate every monarchy from the face of the Earth
Maximilien... We have failed you...

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>(with the exception of Spain, those dudes are based)

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does that in Spain it's in the constitution that the monarch of the country cannot be a female?

cringe and seething

Fuck no, we should've been a republic ages ago

>The Netherlands
Lang leve de koning

>If your nation has a monarch you are as cucked as can be
Care to elaborate?

Some ceremonial bs. The king is a joke. He knows if he raises his voice too much, he'll be removed, so he leeches in silence. Plus they're all Danish or continental, not Norwegian.

You are accepting that someone has the right to rule over you without the consensus or approval of you and your fellow citizens. Might as well bend over and spread 'em for the king/queen.

>it's just symbolic
then break the symbolic chains!

Your king is a cuck Erik

I fucking hate the Monarchy. The only people who want it are English immigrants or slaves.

All modern kangs are

I understand that this is something that Spain must correct. In the coming years we will see a Europe ruled by female queens (I don't know if this had happened before)

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Won't you get rid of it once the queen of England dies?

They're alright.

I think it's likely. People like Elizabeth well enough but her heir is not so much cared for. Hard to care about a country you have never seen and your ancestors left.

>euro monarchy
Waste of money
>middle east monarchy

direct rule from liz

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I'm sure that if France had a king, it would fuck all those

or maybe he would be the world's first gay king


the infanta leonor when she turns 18 will be the most beautiful woman in the world and i will be her latin american subject

suck it refugee german

>it's time to reform the Kingdom of Australia...
>into the new Australian Empire!

As long as I get to be the Emperor then yes.

Frederick the Great was gay

also Alexander the great

As gay as monarchy is it's not like in any democracy on Earth any citizens really have any say in government/issues that matter

Fuck the queen

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I would support it if the monarchy was redpilled, but just look at the absolute state of the UK.

lmao imagine wanting to support a foreign power to your country. The Queen isn't Australian and never will be.

Current ones are super nice :)
Some English bitch just got some titles and is acting a bit too smug about it though


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we should be a republic

maybe after scotland secedes and ireland reunifies