You wake up in Sydney, Australia
You wake up in Sydney, Australia
Catch a train heading north and go home.
Feel right at home and decide to stay.
Why is it that every Anglo country except the USA has a massive Chinese and Indian population? I'm Indian, tons of relatives live in Canada and Australia. I come on Zig Forums, apparently loads of Chinese people live in those countries too
nature is healing...
Cute jap boys, please come to Australia we only have stinky chinks
that's not Sydney
Cause even the chinese know USA is a 2nd world shithole.
Chinese are everywhere, you’ll find plenty of them in non-Anglo countries too. Indians because of their connection to the British Empire.
it is
No nigga it's because both are shitholes with a gorillion people each in them.
True, but he was asking why Anglo countries specifically have large Chinese and Indian populations.
>No nigga it's because both are shitholes with a gorillion people each in them.
true. Not sure about China, but India has one of the lowest diaspora population as a % of its own population
Meaning, 25 million diaspora = less than 2% of india's population. One of the lowest in the world.
convict rapefugee vs hardworking immigrant
t. smug zhang
Harder to escape India. Also China is a few years (or decades?) ahead of India in development and wealth so it's easier to get out of China.
Detonate my suitcase nuke as ordered. Wake up in heaven as a hero.
they are literal tapeworms, once you step on a soil infested by these creatures you'll soon find them wriggling in your butthole
don't forget Hong Kong and Taiwan were/are wealthy western-style democracies
so it wasn't so hard for hong kongese and taiwanese to get overseas entry
we have a ton of taiwanese working in australia on agricultural work visas for example
and all the hong kongese that can escape are fleeing to anywhere right now
>please buy my house
>don't forget Hong Kong and Taiwan were/are wealthy western-style democracies
Taiwan was a dictatorship up until the 80/90s. Same with HK actually. Neither are particularly western, even today. You are being replaced.
based indonesia
>except the USA
yes but most of the migration has happened in the last 20-30 years
yeah basically the way rich industrialised countries work now is:
1. make money
2. don't have kids cause too lazy
3. govt imports replacement workers
Are there really black peepo in Australia
there are sudanese and they rob and harass bogans everyday
pretty based
I would be confused and think that I'm in Toronto
>Hong Kong
>western-style democracies
Do you think there will be no more white nigga in your country 100 years from now?
Wew lad.
They fight abos kek.
no, but it will be
>Chinese (5.6%)
>13% black and 25% latino
>"ah, this is perfect!"
% black and 25% latino
who'mstve quoteth?
Do you seriously believe this? The US has a much larger population of both chinks and poos, it's just your overall population is much bigger so the percentage (I think) is lower. Anyway all of the autism in those communities is directly your fault, cultural appropriation, chimp outs because they can't fuck a different white woman every day of the week, and hapa ethnonationalism are all american inventions