Do Americans really?

Attached: Americans.webm (360x778, 1.37M)

dude stop my fucking sides.

Being white is a mental illness

do whites in america eat something bad that mess with their brain and soul?

this's gotta be a joke

this is why all firsties need to do hard labour for the first 18 years of their life

Yes, I fucking hate this country

somebodys projecting

Is it daemons?

please tell me the text is edited

>baby girl is born:
>"wow I'm gonna wanna throat fuck that and spit in her face once she's 16, humina humina awoooooooooga"

Nah man. You got to much time for bulshit

Chemical called Atrazine, it is what Alex Jones was talking about with the frogs turning gay.

Attached: L_ATRAZINE_2016.png (975x719, 125.63K)

Dunno if it's demonic possession or just mental illness, but girls with eyes like hers are like wizards are sucking cock. They'll ruin your life if you stick around long enough, but until then it's a helluva ride.

>wizards at sucking cock

having a kid just to make a point
fucking slut

I genuinely feel bad for babies born in western countries in 2020 with all these legitimately insane parents advocated by government and popular culture.

>muh Zig Forums bait XD
Do fuck off.

You are whinning on Zig Forums at 5 am.

The funny thing is that it actually triggers people. They are that fixated in "intendities".

>Brainwashing children from birth with sexual identities from birth instead of letting them be children that don't think about sex until they hit puberty is a good thing

Cunts that support this shit is why teen pregnancy rates are skyrocketing.
Let children be children.
Stop forcing your politics onto them.
If they are gay then they will figure that out for themselves when they reach sexual maturity.

> It's literally a ring a pedophiles with lgbtq as their front .

Ted Kaczynski was right. Fuck leftoid scum.

Being gay is a choice

cute baby, but sad he has a mentally ill mother, will probably become a tranny later in life and then kill himself

Im scared for the children

black cum

It's a tragedy, but there needs to always be a fresh supply of prime boipussy.

not mentally ill, just attention seeking
to be honest, not much different from bait posters on Zig Forums

wh*Tw women are pure unadulterated evil they must be beaten and raped those cunts are insane

this is epic.. being white is really a mental illness.