World's Largest Dane Farm

+100 to the gibberish accent in the province

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Wtf? What can the international community do to save these Americans?

>Muyuan's new mega farm near Nanyang, which will eventually house 84,000 sows and their offspring, is by far the largest in the world, roughly 10 times the size of a typical breeding facility in the United States.
>If it works as planned -- and other producers follow suit -- the world's top pork consumer could reduce purchases from the global market, upending a booming meat trade that has supported farmers across the world.
>Muyuan will spend about 40 billion yuan this year on new pig farms,'' Qin said, about eight times what it spent two years ago, and roughly double the capital automaker Tesla Inc is projected to spend.

So they're spending $6B USD for 100,000 pigs?

>this reading comprehension

Yeah it's called "investment", and why the hell does tesla show up in this article

Imagine the smell

is this really a good idea to grow them all centralized in one place? one new disease and they are all kill you cant isolate anything.
ill bet this is where the next chinese pandemic comes from.

This will be an interesting experiment to see if high density pig farming can be more profitable than the traditional methods.

Pigs themselves are not notorious vectors for human diseases. If they can combine technology like passive infrared temperature sensors than their ability to identify disease will be much better than it is now.

looks like your average post commie housing complex

But he meant something like the ASF which can easily kill many pigs, especially if they are all packed in the one complex, this is a perfect recepe for a disaster. It will likely be one though

Can someone explain how packing pigs so closely together can "lead to" virus being created? Like I understand, if you don't socially distance the pigs, virus can spread very quickly. But if they're safely stored inside, how would the virus get inside?

Asf is easy to contain if you follow proper bio containment procedures. As long as they are cognizant that they cannot share employees or equipment between each building. It should not be a bigger problem than traditional pig farms. Technology like passive temperature checking can provide early diagnosis and quarantine if needed.

If they detect ASF in the complex it means that all pigs there must be killed, otheriwse it will spread further

Packing pigs close together is unlikely to ‘create’ a virus but it allows them to spread faster. The problem occurs when you have workers and equipment that are contaminated have access to multiple farms.

What a devillish monstrosity of torture and murder. Imagine being born a pig in such a complex. This is why I dont eat pig, cow, chicken or lamb its inhumane and soulless

stfu libfag I just want some bacon

Not necessarily. The need to cull an entire herd is because it is cheaper than quarantining individual animals. If you detect asf in a particular herd early enough, you can contain that herd and test the surround herds for infections before culling. The issue is how soon can you detect asf? Traditionally, by the time you notice that pigs are dying means that the infection has spread uncontrollably already, early detection allows for more precise control methods.

You deserve to be tortured in the next life. Bacon is tasteless and extremely unhealthy anyway, saying you eat bacon to btfo the libs is like saying you smoke fags or binge on alcohol to btfo the libs it doesn't make sense

Bacon is delicious. If you don’t like the taste of it, that’s your business.

Because muh meme company

Farm? It’s just a bunch of concrete buildings

Just because something is tasty doesn't make it justifiable. I prefer a healthy consciousness.

Pigs are highly intelligent animals aware of their surroundings and their suffering, more so than dogs.

Piglets that don't grow fast enough have their heads smashed against the wall. This after mothers have given birth to them in gestation crates so small the mother can't roll over onto her other side. Then the mother provides milk for a limited time in a smaller nursery cage then the piglets are removed. A sow will be caged all her life. This continues for a maximum of 6 gestation periods after which she is slaughtered herself. The mother is impregnated straight after by artificial insemination i.e. shoving a rod up her vagina.

Piglets are castrated without any anaesthesia and their tails are clipped.

And the slaughter process, so called "humane", is a gas chamber filled with carbon dioxide. Pigs have been known to rip off their hooves trying to escape. The screams are haunting.

>thinking that pigs are farmed in meadows

Factory farming accounts for 96 percent of pig products in the usa. Pigs are caged all their lives

tl;dr have sex

You're immaturity and selfishness shows you deserve to be on that pig farm more than any other. Have your head smashed against the wall because you were a slow grower

calm down ahmed don't you have a cousin to grope

I presented you the facts of the meat product. I told you without exaggeration. Yet the truth makes you uncomfortable.

There is cruelty everywhere in the meat industry

The industrial revolution was a mistake

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Why do I need to justify it? It tastes good. I am not concerned with their well-being enough to not eat it. If you are, that’s your business but I won’t deny myself the pleasure.