What happens in this part of Germany?

what happens in this part of Germany?

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ach elsass...

Rightful Luxembourgish clay

Confoederatio Luxemburgum-Helvetica.. Vgh

MPs are MPeeing


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krauts get cucked by FRENCH BVLLS

The only part of Germany I want back is Memelland because of the name

we're not german, we're alsatians
it's like calling the dutch german because they are germanic
if bavaria was independent no one would call it german. people only call austria german because they dont know about its unique culture and just dumps it together with the germans. its like when people call all eastern slavs russian or think all of france looks like paris because they are ignorant. our culture is unique
we have been part of france for longer than we were part of germany
before that we were independent

No its because the word "German" is nowadays only used to describe a political German state and not the German people

cringe and cope, you've bitten the sour apple that is fr*Nch propaganda, we're before all German much like our Alemannic brothers from BaWü and German-speaking Switzerland

Fuck off Hans, back to your side of the border

and just like that the p*Risian LARPer has been found out

>p*Risian LARPer
I am flemish, therefore white, unlike you, you filthy germanoid

you used the best genes of France to die on the front lines of WWI as cannon fodder
It's why your country:
a) saw the average height of men fall from 5"11-6ft to ~5"8-5"9
b) saw the average fairness of hair and eye colour darken drastically
now France is full of medshit gaul genes again, as you through away your Germanic heritage and genes of Burgandians, Normans, Franks, Alemannic. The fair Aryan races.
How the mighty have fallen
pic related: your relatives

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>you used the best genes of France to die on the front lines of WWI as cannon fodder
>It's why your country:
>a) saw the average height of men fall from 5"11-6ft to ~5"8-5"9
>b) saw the average fairness of hair and eye colour darken drastically
>now France is full of medshit gaul genes again, as you through away your Germanic heritage and genes of Burgandians, Normans, Franks, Alemannic. The fair Aryan races.
>How the mighty have fallen
>pic related: your relatives

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should have listened to the Fuhrer

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holy cope

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putain monquée

the entirety of alsace disagrees with you though
but im sure you know better than them right
larp harder

based and burgundianpilled

what about Lolland?


we say hon hon hon drinking eau de vie

?? This is clearly a region of France.

Saarland voted to return to Germany, why not the rest of the "fight apple"?

>>now France is full of medshit gaul genes again, as you through away your Germanic heritage and genes of Burgandians, Normans, Franks, Alemannic. The fair Aryan races.
Sounds good to me. Teutons have no business in Gaul
If you like Germanics so much maybe France should have simply accepted German rule and gave up on any non-Germanic culture.

t.50% South European, 25% Chinese, 15% Indian and 10% Native mystery meat

Germanism and german culture is overhyped on this board. What's germany about except wagecuckism, and having zero taste about absolutely everything these days?

>hahah hitler bro fuck joos lol you muslim tranny europoor lol kek dab
that's why

My cousins :)