How will whites fair in a Chinese-dominated world?
How will whites fair in a Chinese-dominated world?
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Hopefully as sex slaves to asian latex mistresses
Fuck off Bing Lau, Australia just started ww3 and you are all FUCKED.
>Australia's Five Eyes allies reportedly plot joint China sanctions
Oh and 5 eyes is becoming 6 eyes
>Five Eyes partner Japan to tighten controls on strategic land
What would the world be like with 2 Xi's?
Whites worship and protect blacks while attacking Japs and gooks.
What the Japs and gooks should do, is subject any American or European they can catch to beating, mutilation and sexual assault
I WILL bow to Xi Jinping
I WILL surrender my right to my Chinese masters
Japanese are part of the anti Chink alliance fuck off bugman
And Latinos join our Asian brothers in arms against the gringos
no they dont why do Zig Forumstards believe this ?
Americans have this weird ass fuck relation with blacks aqfter enslaving and killing them for centuries
Australians, only look down on and belittle Japs
crackers will be forced to watch dogs beaten to death mercilessly everyday :^)
dumb burger military
Whites will be protected because East Asians admire them
On their knees.
white girls
no one likes white men
We will kill ourselves with drugs and alcohol like the native americans.
Based. Fuck that chud.
she wont fuck you chang
Yes I will
probably the same way how they dealt with almost Japanese-dominated world 30 years ago.
also, stop migrating to other nations if you like your own shithole so much, filthy chink.
By stabbing them in the back with the plaza accords?
Cry more jealous faggot, we took off our shirts and kissed.
Both countries are financially and militarily dependent on the US. It doesn't mean much.
Wh*Te women will be slaughtered for fertilizer
white men will be kept for the purposes of seeding Chinese wombs to create the ultimate human beings
I can't imagine much will change
Very based
*slips a cheeky aircraft carrier into the south china sea*
Why do anglos still think they are militarily relevant? Your navy ran away from fucking Iran.
Most powerful military in Europe after Russia but ok
We can only hope