
Jamie Oliver appreciation edition

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reminder that telling jokes is reddit

Outrageously early
Janman will have a fit if he sees this

got phimosis

Cat edition

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still people out there thinking boris did a good job

chef john edition

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yo like my g 190cm said man will be on road all day but man might stop in on his break ting to say wagwan n tha ini

you can beat an egg. cant beat a root

reminder that feeling even the slightest hint of joy throughout your whole life is reddit


should have his larynx removed by court order. fucking STATE of his voice, it's criminally bad.

at toil

only I’m at home taking calls from customers on my phone absolutely GRIM lads

hehe very good

Jamie Oliver is very cringe, fuck off

>not even a proper chef
>overglorified pretty boy who can cook crepes
describes britbongs quite nicely

Enjoying normal things is reddit and if you find out that something you like is also liked on reddit you have to stop liking it

Lookup the word "arnit".


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where’s 190

grim as fuck
are you a call centre toiler working from home?

Why do normies try to get shy people to dance when they don't want to?

Still thinking back to our breakfast mate. Still don't understand. Why did you only want one egg?

this but unironically

thanks for calling me pretty

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dey make good bikkies like aha and no man isnt talking bout dem disco bikkies aha but trust man is all about dem disco bikkies aha

show some fucking respect

got loads of small bumps on my balls with hair growing out of them

what are the nature of the calls?

still waiting for that user to tell us how to make that passive income

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my mate was a chronic masturbator. serial, he was. he'd be pulling it all night all day. and you know just the other day he died. how, you ask? had a massive stroke

dancing is a laugh

They don't understand shyness, it's a foreign concept to them. They think you're just being lazy or difficult

man is on road aha or shagging a peng bird ini aha

Why are Christmas pantomimes still a thing?

it's a humiliation type thing

this post triggered a very bad memory

Just coffee and cigarettes.

mad ting innit senpai

me talking to girls


Weird I thought he would've wanked himself to death


protip: if you were bullied then you were acting in a way that's socially unacceptable
if you've been bullied and you never corrected your behaviour then don't cry when society doesn't bail you out
simple as

soap actors retirement fund innit

Can't wait to see all you bong scums get genocided
K ill yourselves :^)

He's a shit cook and a posh wanker pretending to be one of the lads, fuck off

sucking a cigarette

people in this country genuinely enjoy doing the exact same thing annually for their entire life

something for the kids to do

had a dream where Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock were KILLING it as a comedy double act back in Oxford university 30 years ago

applying a hydrogel bandage

bring back the hole of calcutta

It's basically cruelty

Can't stand musicals and am put off by theatre in general but LOVE going to the panto

I ask them a few security quesitons

They then say they were making a payment or they had fraud. It’s absolutely disgusting

nu match (middle) shows some promise

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They have SOVL

just walked down the stairs

once had a gf tell me that she always assumed quiet people in school etc thought they were better than everyone, and that's why they didn't talk to them
she literally didn't know what introverted meant
she was thick + very normie
god i fucking hate her

Got no mates

oh no they aren't


Cute but bordering on being a midget

>passive income
is that what NEETs are calling welfare nowadays?

that’s me don’t have the guts to leave no other job lined up

alri billy no mates

You've done well there Tim, maybe you'll settle down with this one

quite enjoying a genre of porn where it’s a guy on all fours with the bird behind him wanking him off, sort of milking him like a cow. gives me the ‘orn good and proper it does.

anyone know what this genre’s called

vodafoneberg saying i haven't paid my phone bill and is holding my social life hostage because of it
not on

ask if she pisses in the sink

That's like saying all rock music is the same song, they're ll different aren't they

if you lack the intuition to find them yourself then they wouldnt work for you anyway

just learned that scotland banned christmas for 500 years. they literally banned celebration of it until 1958 but it wasnt until the 70s when it properly came back.
just when you thought those cunts couldnt sink any lower.

it's very hard for a girl to be "too short", they'd have to be sub-5ft

so what you're saying is you think you're better than her

If you're over the age of 12 and still enjoy them it's actually pathetic

milking i think

yes, what of it?

Dad asked me for a free photoshop replacement last night and I instinctively typed 'GIMP' then turned the phone off and went to sleep. Woke up this morning with my dad asking me why I called him a gimp, so I had to spend a few minutes on the phone telling him it's the name of image manipulation software and to google "gimp"

grim I did something similar years ago
some of the calls about fraud would last nearly an hour as well with people moaning

haha cheers mate, one day


Yeah and she looks smaller than 5ft, her female friends are bending down for ale a photo with her ffs

look for a junior role in something like corporate insurance
don’t usually need insurance experience and dealing with customers helps
pay won’t be amazing at first but they’ll train you and you won’t want to slit your wrists every night

didn’t happen

its you thats sinking mate all you pakis will be underwater in a 1000 years

smarter, sure
when i say she didn't know what introverted meant i mean i had to explain the concept to her
when i did suddenly she 'got' the quiet kids she knew back at school

Luv pantos me
luv going to them with my sisters, mum and little fat wobbly grandma every year

is deutschland uber alles a christmas carol? i said it was my favourite chrstmas carl at til and they all gve me a weird look.

keep us updated on the further wacky adventures and misunderstandings you and your dad get up to

I hate when women swear

business idea: sell this post as a sleep aid

got drunk and sent a picture of my cock to a female friend i’m not even attracted to

shes pretty but shame about the reddit bio

>brits be like

unironically used to love going with my old paddy grandparents desu. would spoil me rotten with sweets and ice cream and all that
miss it quite a lot

You should tell her that to clear up things

this is chewpid

haha we do be like that

actually laughed at this

aha mental how accurate this is

anti-mask duncoids OWNED

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::Listening to Christmas music::

she had a horse in the trailer apparently and he was a moron

kebab not kebob
curry not coorry
peetzaa not peeser

How does one get good at anything?

oi luv me mum

the fucks going on?

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is this a real question

FOMO pump

mad how people just send pictures of their willards to other people unsolicited

can't imagine doing that myself, me. like imagine if the female friend sends you a picture of her pussy without asking or flirting with you first, weird man

genetic lottery

you might like this 'un

my autism calculates a standard square bathroom is 15-20cm high
she's at least 10 of those tiles high, so at minimum she's 150cm

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oh fuck the yank didn't say curry, did he?
I cannot stand that