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Yes please, arrest me and subdue me by sitting on me.
Warm water ports son
No of course not
Are you south Italian or north Italian?
Hello frens
Hi fren.
>tfw no round assed пoлиция gf
No, they are made for med cocks
femoid btfo indeed
Those girls fuck exclusively Chad or Bydlo cock. If you're not tall, muscular and can't drink a full bathtub of booze in a night you literally have zero chance.
I donno post some asian Russians
Nah it's not like that at all. You just have to be confident and interesting.
is this the pro-Russian /med/ thread?
>"just act like a Chad lol"
Die in a fire
just pro-cuties
No i just didn't know what else to post in the OP.
There's a difference between a Chad and an alpha. The only thing making you an incel is in your head. Also we don't have such western mental illness here so I'm pretty sure you're a proxy or a teenager who has been spending too much time on western imageboards. Men are men here. Just be a man and you'll get laid.
That feel when no Syrian National Socialist Worker's Party girlfriend
OH NONO Macaroni
Just made and finished eating a macaroni with home grown tomato sauce, home grown basil and home grown pepper
feels good
yo this nigga got a BLM lives flag
Holy ba-
Wait a minute, nothing grows in Libya, it's a wasteland.
>finished eating
Sad, I wanted pics lol that sounds amazing
Nigga I don't live in the south part where everything is practically desert, although I grow my own veggies in pots.
It looked pretty average anyway, I also added some oregano and mixed the sauce with a half can of tuna as the 'protein of choice'.
Merely some banter fren
>muh man made river
pardon for I've encountered so many retards who unironically believe that %100 of libya is a desert even though it's only 96% desert