why did all cultures of the world but Arabs adopt the white man's outfit?
Why did all cultures of the world but Arabs adopt the white man's outfit?
that nigga is in a dress how they dont think its gay
The modern suit is of Franco-British origin I think.
If there are any /fa/ggots in here feel free to correct me.
Oh please, shut the fuck up.
I you want to look at it historically, all Southern Slavs came from the Carpaths (now Poland and Czech Republic) , so we are white. Some Slavs stayed and became West Slavs and some went east and became East Slavs.
Why is bolsonaro so angry? Also, looks like my school photo
That's just sauidi, he'sa prince you know
Why do you care so much?
white western culture, especially the american type, has been appropriated as the globobomo culture
Because the others are not monarchs.
It's useless. You'll still get called nigger.
he should wear a Mao suit
Lol you still non white
here's what my school photo looked like(I'm the guy in the middle)
Because we are not white
what modi is wearing isn't exactly a western suit too
its the english variant of an outfit western europeans shared afaik
europeans already had fairly common formal outfits since a while but i think this one style was popularized in the mid 19th when the uk was at the top
there're 2 (two) frenchies in the photo
how do other cunts even compete ?
He's a Royale. Royalties always wear different from others to look more Special and Royale.
modi isnt wearing a suit
Modi is wearing a Indo-Turkic Mughal suit
Damn, nice going there Jaakoppi Bondonen
Also, i'm going to jerk off ok
>Royalties always wear different from others to look more Special and Royale.
Nope, European monarchs wear the same kind of suits like everyone else
>Indo-Turkic Mughal
Could’ve just said Mughal you absolute autist
Could've just said Pakistani
why is pootin so short? is it shopped?
Pakistani isn’t Mughal. They’re Mughalized Punjabi, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Balochis and Kashmiris. Mughals were largely present around modern day Delhi and Indian Muslim royal houses descend from them. Only Indian Muslims have actual Mughal ancestry.
base saudi bvll
Pakistani people have mostly Arabic and Persian heritage with little, very little Punjabi admixture.
they all look like subhuman parasites
I hope the next meeting of world leaders gets nuked
Why do you adopt monkey speech patterns?
Not really.
Even Pashtuns don’t have Persian/Arab
Pakistanis are basically Indians with slightly higher Indo-European ancestry
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