Did you know that Ireland rose seven places in the UNDP's HDI index for 2020?

>did you know that Ireland rose seven places in the UNDP's HDI index for 2020?
>did you know that Ireland's economy is set to outpace the eurozone average?
>did you know we have cliffs?
did you know no one cares

Attached: a soyrish post.gif (644x800, 525.85K)

ireland WILL be unified by 2030

the anglo seethes as he falls from his grace

>englishman seething about ireland
every time
and scotland WILL be leaving the UK

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bit obsessed

unironically obsessed dude, I have never heard of anyone say this

we will kill the tax havens
nuke them


Jesus I wish. The english deserve every bit of punished.

seething and coping this hard
i hope scotland leaves you soon so no one's your friend anymore

Kek, seethe Angloid


engl*nd will be as poor as Argentina in 10 years




10 years ago these niggas were begging for EU gibs kek

Lol you’re Greek

I am actually a HELLENIC BVLL and I am forever thankful that I was not born an *gloids or a g*rmoid, in which case I would probably never escape the clutch of the evilness of my blood


If there is a god, it seems then you’re suffering a bit of Stockholm syndrome.

So what? They are feeling proud of their country what's wrong with that?

>oh my god, these cliffs are huge!

Attached: 4.jpg (620x330, 113.36K)

Why are you butthurt?

>mmm, looks so tasty...

Attached: 3.png (480x720, 726.72K)

>this music is so enchanting, it sounds magical

Attached: 1.jpg (611x355, 185.94K)

>wow! they're so quick and skillful

Attached: 2.jpg (620x330, 144.6K)

>you sure can't beat a pint of the black stuff

Attached: 5.png (736x412, 583.1K)

I can leave whenever I want to

Hopefully you leave your “greek pride” behind too and be a man

says the guy who calls g*rmans nazis