>did you know that Ireland rose seven places in the UNDP's HDI index for 2020?
>did you know that Ireland's economy is set to outpace the eurozone average?
>did you know we have cliffs?
did you know no one cares
Did you know that Ireland rose seven places in the UNDP's HDI index for 2020?
ireland WILL be unified by 2030
the anglo seethes as he falls from his grace
>englishman seething about ireland
every time
and scotland WILL be leaving the UK
bit obsessed
unironically obsessed dude, I have never heard of anyone say this
we will kill the tax havens
nuke them
Jesus I wish. The english deserve every bit of punished.
seething and coping this hard
i hope scotland leaves you soon so no one's your friend anymore
Kek, seethe Angloid
engl*nd will be as poor as Argentina in 10 years
10 years ago these niggas were begging for EU gibs kek
Lol you’re Greek
I am actually a HELLENIC BVLL and I am forever thankful that I was not born an *gloids or a g*rmoid, in which case I would probably never escape the clutch of the evilness of my blood
If there is a god, it seems then you’re suffering a bit of Stockholm syndrome.
So what? They are feeling proud of their country what's wrong with that?
>oh my god, these cliffs are huge!
Why are you butthurt?
>mmm, looks so tasty...
>this music is so enchanting, it sounds magical
>wow! they're so quick and skillful
>you sure can't beat a pint of the black stuff
I can leave whenever I want to
Hopefully you leave your “greek pride” behind too and be a man
says the guy who calls g*rmans nazis