What happened to France?

What happened to France?

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What do you mean?

>France must also be ranked among these colossal States. Not only because it is adding to the strength of its army in a constantly increasing measure by recruiting coloured troops from the population of its gigantic empire, but also because France is racially becoming more and more negroid, so much so that now one can actually speak of the creation of an African State on European soil.
A. Hitler, Mein Kampf

What do you think?

Attached: file.png (256x256, 1.63K)

liberalism and modern slavery

Every Western country is being overrun with dumb as shit immigrants for the gain of capitalist.



(((The Allies)))
Should have listened to the Fuhrer

Attached: french paris france nazi propaganda.jpg (540x788, 148.7K)

If your answer isn't "jews" then you really have no idea how the world works and are intellectually flatlined

Attached: jew aus.jpg (700x3750, 615.18K)



Attached: yes the jews.jpg (832x640, 77.85K)

Very nice polanski

Unironicaly Jews. Revenge for the Holocaust

Attached: EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg (798x644, 41.03K)

It's not really the jews though, yes some of the most prominent are jewish but the number of non jewish actors orchestrating this os much greater
you have to look into the sabbataean frankists and what happened to the Illuminmati

The jews are still getting revenge on Egypt for enslaving them over 3,000 years ago
look at Egyptians genetic pool now
jews hold a grudge towards anyone that kicks them out of their countries for thousands of years. it's more than just "what the germans did in 1939-45" what about the other 1,029 times they've been kicked out of countries

Attached: JEW 16.jpg (928x8800, 1.78M)

You've skipped the part where they create tensions and unrest in these countries to create the refugee problem

>it's not really the jews
>just look at these other jews and jewish institutions
lmao what

Attached: jew europe.jpg (720x413, 77.14K)

ummm sounds a little conspiratorial to me mr. Hitler! Doesn't matter that you turned out to be correct

yes, true
one can never forget the greatest ZOG golem, the cattle ranch between Mexico and Canada, the greatest attack dog they ever created

Attached: America.jpg (964x768, 258.35K)

Is it just me or is there a merchant in this pic

STDs from fucking around in Africa.

I'm serious, the zionist Jews are just one part of this conspiracy problem.
It's older than that, you basically had an alliance between european nobility and jewish finance cemented through mutual marriage and alliances
they are all literal occultic luciferians that torture and rape kids and whose goal is to spread as much destruction as possible
if every single jew on earth dropped dead tomorrow the problem would still continue unabated

Attached: jew merchant meme.png (753x718, 33.66K)


>if every single jew on earth dropped dead tomorrow the problem would still continue unabated
ok rabbi
you're not wrong entirely. but all these shabbos goyim are towing the line because of jews in the first place
capitalists, corporatists, elites, upper echelon
think about all their secret societies of the elite; masons, templars, orders, heremitc, golden dawn etc etc
there's dozens
they're all semitic/kabbalistic influenced. i.e. jewish
christianity, the merovingians, carolingians, medieval dynasties.
it's ALL jewish

Attached: 93662275 jew.png (586x530, 317.82K)


exactly my point Kabbalah is the problem but you need to read the research of Barry Chamish on the subject, they killed him and his mentor Rabbi Marvin Antelman because of this.


How dangerous is Paris now?