The webm that broke Zig Forums

>the webm that broke Zig Forums

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>the guy that broke their hymen

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What is there to break? My mind is already broken
Also they looks pretty mediocre except for romanian girl which is like instagram model or whatever and monkeydonian girl which is just like uhhhhhh why don't i have girlfriend like that aaahhhhhhh


My Montenegrin roots... I must return to them.

Montenegro is way above average
Greek is cute
Macedonia is cute
Bulgaria is pretty
Croatia is alright
leave my greek waifu alone tyrone

It'd be much better if it included Irene

What flag is that in the top left

the top 3 look way better than the bottom 3

Montenegro, reminds me of mom.
I see that as the 'generic' look, very comfy.

I remember chilling around Berkeley music school in Boston hoping to bump into Nicoleta (greek qt). unfortunately I didn't get it see her

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I suffer in Croatia every day

>those skinny forearms genetics
i suffer with him
t. fellow skinny forearm sufferer

It is Croatia for me.

Cute. What flag are you? Your mom is from Montenegro?

I want to cum inside your mom

u wot m8, that romanian girl has disgusting facial structure, she won't survive the aging process

Same, brother.

What's it like to be straight?

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I like the Macedonian though I don't know who she is.

The rest are very average and boring and unworthy of my attentions.

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oh excuse me, *North Macedonian

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i want sexsexsex croatian goddess

Turks can't keep getting away with it!

croatia looks like a porn actress

>Montenegro is way above average
No, dumb nigger, she's average tho pretty pretty
She's like irina sheikh kinda girl, that has a rich jewish husband some shit liek that, but you are probably right
You probably think haruhi chan is the cutest, right?

Nordics and Balkans are not nearly as attractive as Meds
Let's be honest now
Maybe nordic culture is better and more intelligent, but looks wise Meds win.


how's south africa?

katerina ivanovska

It is obvious you've never been to Med countries. It is true they have some really good looking girls, but in general they are disgustingly ugly and short.
