Say good things about countries
Positive thread
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good things about countries
America is close to being the best country in the world and I love America. Unfortunately it is also full of Americans.
good things about countries
everything except internet and kinda being backwards technologically
Nice dancing cow
>my parents r immigrants
>UK gov gave me student loans so I could study
>Went to top tier uni and now I am a quantitative trader
Thanks to all UK tax payers and to all my teachers. You helped me break the stereotype.
Spain has nice parks and the policewomen are hot
ayy, that's Alterlaa! my dad's friend who moved to Vienna had an apartment there and let our family stay vacation there for a week during the 2004 summer olympics. my brother and I even used the swimming pool! those were some good times, man... thank you for reminding me, OP!
i like spain
i like suomi
i like canada
i like germany
i love poland
i like bulgaria
i like UK
i like paraguay
i love hungary
you have a mighty fine country as well, Croatbro. I'll never forget watching the sun go down into the sea framed by the ancient columns of the Pula amphitheater
Goulash is nice
Walden is a shit building
Bofill is a hack
Spain has several of the mos beautyful churches in the World, I hope to visit them one day
we are basically brothers
Kinda cool how you destroyed Europe twice and still live
Love the landscape
Is not yet lost
Suomi is nice, good landscape and fun people.
Good food and drinks, nice buildings.
Polite and kind people.
Is strong and never gave up. Good food and nice people.
Good food and nice people.
Interesting landscape, nice people.
Good food, fun people.
Nice and sunny place, relaxed atmosphere.
Cool foundation legend, descendants of the Aztecs and the Spanish. Interesting food.
High quality art, nice coast.
I like beach :P
>ex-soviet nations
I don't actually mind commie blocks that much. I mean, if they're not made in a grid and they randomize the heights and colors of each building it doesn't look that bad tbqh. It really helps if they add plants too. Pic related is a bad example tho.
home internet is getting better, have a 1gbit connection
always had good experiences with Polish people, never visited your country but it's definitely planned somewhen after Corona
Wow, interesting. Alterlaa looks great, Vienna is probably one of the best cities in Europe to live in.
En serio viniste del hilo de /esp/? You have anger issues
The most amazing world power. Rich culture with unique architecture and writing system, getting copied by its neighbors.
Rapidly growing economy, efficient and ruthless government, prioritizes Han Chinese over anyone and anything else, takes care of terrorists in camps, doesn't bend over to west.
Best country in the world.
>Banderita /esp/
>Postea el Alterlaa que posteo ayer en el hilo
Nunca dejaré de recordarte lo malo que es el Bofill jeje
y también
>prefiere el alteralaa al karl-marx-hof
Bueno, dime qué arquitectos te gustan, tal vez sea yo un ignorante.
>dime qué arquitectos te gustan,
pensar así es un error desde mi punto de vista
me gusta la arquitectura típica de los ensanches de ciudades del siglo dieciocho
no como tal el estilo segundo imperio que en ocasiones es un poco hortera sino sobre todo el estilo vernáculo de cada país, sobre todo el español
Bueno, entiendo que no lo quieras personificar en unos arquitectos en concreto. Ese estilo es precioso, es el que ha creado las mejores ciudades de Europa con un buen equilibrio entre la densidad sin hacer edificios demasiado altos, con mucha atencion a la estética y la ornamentación... Me gusta y creo que funciona muy bien, pero hay otros estilos mas alla de ese y esa foto ya la subiste ayer.
Es la única que tengo en el movil kek.
Si por funcionar funciona, los comibloques rusos funcionan, los suburbios americanos funcionan y los burbujabloques también (incluso mejor al fin y al cabo es "new urbanism" de ese pero feo)
Pero como soy como soy pues me gusta la estética de la belle epoque.
Este estilo entra en la belle epoque?
Kiev is a nice city
Este es mas feúcho y tiene pinta de ser algo más nuevo, como de los años 10 o 20.
Porque fue construido en la expansión de las ciudades que tuvo lugar entre 1870 y 1914 para dar sitio donde vivir a la creciente clase burguesa.