Let me tell you about the fennoswedes, even though you didnt ask and don't care

>let me tell you about the fennoswedes, even though you didnt ask and don't care

Attached: 1606647760177.png (1000x1000, 32.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Posting Fenno-Swedes


WOW! As you can see Fenno-Swedes are very interesting people :)

This schizo again.

Attached: Näyttökuva 2020-12-16 kello 11.29.36.png (1122x1656, 642.18K)

no one is never going to open these videos

Jees hellou

>cared enough to reply
If you feel like watching them, watch them. If you don't feel like watching them, don't. It doesn't make any difference to me. Compiling them took about a minute and I've wasted a minute in dumber ways before.

ok now take care you sound a bit grumpy :D

i opened them

Posted from my Nokia Lumia


I like when people post their junkies.

posted from Tapatalk

Did you know a fennoSWEDE led Finland to independence and later led the finnish defence against the russians?

Attached: Carl_Gustaf_Emil_Mannerheim.jpg (800x1268, 790.11K)

Glad u liked it :D

Fenno swedes have actually been in west finland longer than finns.

ugh... the Norsemen of Finland...


reminder that every single brit of note was a finn

Reminder that fennoswedes have lower IQ than finns.

Reminder that the post above me is written by an incel

hes german

Attached: 1588408042863.jpg (820x500, 88.07K)

Name 12-7 fennoswedes

stoun keim
truu thi siit
ap in thi ääs of

Linus Torvalds - Founder of Linux
Tove Jansson - Writer, creator of Moomin
Gustaf Mannerheim - Commander in chief during ww2, president of Finland
Marcus Grönholm - Rally driver, two times world champmion
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld - Arctic explorer, first to conquer the Northeast passage and circumnavigate Eurasia
Johan Ludvig Runeberg - National poet of Finland, wrote the Finnish national anthem (in Swedish).
Ragnar Granit, scientist, Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine in 1967

Just to name a few :DD

>be a finn
>speak swedish as a first language

literally whos

Founder of Linux
Creator of Moomin
Leader of Finnish forces in ww2
>"literal whos"
Most people on Zig Forums would know about what these people have done, even if they don't know the name. I don't think you can name Finns that are more famous globally than these.

I opened mumin theme :)

why are swedes so obsessed with them

There are nine posts by Swedish flags in this thread and I wrote all of them except two. Anyhow Fenno-Swedes are interesting. People in Sweden barely know that they exist (seriously, many don't know that they exist) so when you're a Zig Forums autist who finds out about them you get a bit curious.

Stop to think - just for a second - that these people had a monopoly on the upper echelons of society in the 19th century and all centuries prior until the 14th century.
So what you are proud of here is some colonial power structure.

>So what you are proud of here
Why would I be proud of them? I'm not responsible for their achievements, we just speak a the same language. Are you proud if some Finnish speaker in Sweden does something good? weird.

You just named Finns? Who speak another language as a first language?

still dont know them

your posting tone is very "finns are stupid drunk illiterate cavemen, anything of note ever is by fennoswedes"

What are you confused about? I said that I don't think you can find any Finns more famous than these, which is why is just trolling and I won't reply to his gayness. You seem confused.

>guy in 3rd video
norwegians on fucking suicide watch