Imagine a world with 1 billion JEWS
Imagine a world with 1 billion JEWS
I can already imagine it, the ashtray in my stove for example.
1 billion parasites
no wonder the world went to shit after ww2, the germans killed 6 billion
>Nobel prize winners
You do realise the moment Obama got his Nobel prize, the award has lost its meaning right?
Except most of the Nobel prizes JEWS won are in hard sciences
Why are you posting under a Greek flag Shlomo?
>implying arabs can afford stoves.
Daily reminder has turned into the science capital of the entire mediterranean and MENA in just 75 years despite a genocide and constant war. Goyim better tread lightly from now on or else
In my future world government, antisemitism will be punishable by DEATH
How DARE you subhumans mock snd insult your superiors, to whom you are but cattle and monkeys
jews are to white people what whites are to niggers, that's why poltards can't stop thinking about them 24/7 and seething
>he says while in a country where the average person is 25 percent jewish.
>he says while in a country where the average person is controlled by a jew
i have a big nose and i'm greedy but i'm unfortunately not jewish
>prize owned by kikes
Gee I wonder why...
you're more jewish than polish.
thats right goy
how come israel itself hardly produces any nobel prize winners then if jews are so smart? wikipedia says like only 5 israeli people got it, and i only count the ones that were born there
intriguging jew bro? you aren't exactly participating in this capital despite being a chosen one?
Swedenistan is 95% muslim and norway (peace prize) is like 70% muslim
Israel is only 1/2 ashkenazi jews [the smart ones]. The biggest ashkenazi jew population is the USA and as such it's still jews winning the nobel prize but they are not from/in israel.
Israel is going to be the science capital of the world soon tho.
not owned by jews, nigger
:^) i'm a top tier scientiest in aus, not saying the field cos no doxxerino ples
Duh. His point was that Poles are pseudo-Jews and thus superior.
Zionist angloid, I kneel..
I'm like 95%+ britoid.
I will see to it that non-anglo jews are brought to kneel too
jews cant do shit in israel bro, have you seen the slums there? you guys cant build something nice for the life of you, you can only be succesfull in other countries living like a leech. Your own culture is hell. Israeli kids have to go to school 6 days a week and they are expected to wageslave to death. Its funny how it works.
A very grim perspective indeed
If your last name ends with "-ski", " -stein", or "-berg" you are Jewish. No if or but!
>top tier scientist
while user do you study petri dishes before and after thawing them?
The average number of bears the typical goystralian can drink before they get traumatic brain damage?
say that again. Poland is unironically the shittiest country in the EU.
why? do you hate civilization?
Israel is basically the #1 science destination hub right now user...
As for the slums they are mostly just Haredi or Arabs.
>you guys cant build something nice for the life of you, you can only be succesfull in other countries living like a leech.
Not true + Rude.
>Your own culture is hell.
It's a based kind of hell
>Israeli kids have to go to school 6 days a week
My parents sent me to a private school 5 days a week then sent tutors to tutor me 3 hours for saturday + sunday ontop of going to synagogue on saturday lmao.
You have no idea how strict jews are about education.
>they are expected to wageslave to death.
I don't give a fuck about money. I want to be a smart guy
> Its funny how it works.
Jewish culture is basically study, work, pray. Everyone keeps pretending it's hell but ask asians they'll tell you thats how life is lmao.
why is every israeli muttoid goy using a vpn?
its painfully obvoius when every country isn't awake yet and or within 1000 miles of goysrael
I am Greek
imagine being a jew in israel. you work more on average than most amerigoys and you live in a shitty overcrowded country with 30 percent arabs.
The only reason israel even has a science sector is because the actually jewish people (us) sent the filthy goys our industry to sustain your nonexistent economy with no agriculture or resources.
your culture can only be succesfull if you mix it and leech off other cultures. i have no doubt in my mind that 99 percent of every israeli citizen dreams of moving the america
stop crying nigger. many people legit admire israel because the jews built something from nothing + fuck araps
wtf based germans still exist????
σίγουρα είσαι
ok but I'm not a nigger like you filthy goy jew hybrid.
Jews and Parsis btfo most cultures in the world i mirre them, and aspire to learn from them
καλή προσπάθεια
is athens uni in north or south of the city?
Η πολυτεχνειούπολη?
>goy jew hybrid
how is that even possible you fucking mutt
i swear to g_d bro
I'm an anglo jew and I only like anglos. To me the brits are the jews that ruled the world; the loss of the british empire is no different to the destruction of the second temple
your retarded take is giving me brain cancer bro. All my relatives in israel left from the 3rd world hell that is europe [romania/hungry]
Israel has a science sector because jews idolize learning in all fields bro. Israel is also one of the worlds best agricultural countries. As for 'no resources', the jewish mind is the greatest resource we have :)
As for 'working a lot'. I don't know WHY EUROS AND MUTTS THINK LOTS OF WORK IS BAD LMAO. I literally love to work.
>Η πολυτεχνειούπολη?
I'm muslim tatar (barely) but i don't understand the hate that the jews get? They seem to be very cunning, but they made scientific discoveries, books, movies - most are jewish, why do they get such hate, i don't get it. Also our and christian religion basically came from judaism, while super religious muslim and christians hate on jews so fucking much, what's their problem?
>They don't know about the Greek proxyschizo mod
>how is that possible.
your shitty anglo jew family got so btfo by the expulsions from goyim that your not even 1 percent PVRE Israelite or mediteranean jewish.
You actually think I'm a nonjew user? please tell me more about how the innovative jewish mind decided to create the great state of israel in the poorest and most contested region in the far east with a population of people who don't believe in any form of work besides torah studies. I gues you really are an anglo jew if you think laboring like a goy is a good thing.
Basically europe thinks jews [often in cahoots with some other group] are behind every bad thing ever
Nobel prize for peace economy etc was never important. The only two that matter are the Nobel prize for Physics and Chemistry. The rest is meme and has always been meme, long before Obama.
I am very jew mr. burger don't be fooled.
Israel was a secular construct not about torah user.
Labor is good user hard work builds a good soul
I know that but what is that even based on? It's not different than all the consiracy theory shit, but people seem to hate (or at least dislike) jews just since they are born or something.
Why does the JEWISH state of Israel cause so much seething?
I don't care if you are legally or in name a jew. I'm telling you that from the maternal line you aren't jewish under the laws of the torah.
Theodor Herzsch and Zionism is not at all secular. He would spit on an A*stralian jew like you.