It is considered animalistic
Is it socially acceptable to eat with your hands in your country?
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u mad ?
no, we eat directly from a bowl like a dog
That depends, a pizza or sandwich is usually picked up by hand, Tacos as well.
If you try to eat something like spaghetti by hand, people will thing you’re a complete retard.
I just don't understand why you'd eat with your hands and not use a fork
explain yourselves, pajeets
its more satisfying
more human
i dont expect whites to understand
are indians the closest thing to monke as of AD 2020?
monke have more culture than wh*tes.
why dont white people eat foods like its traditionally should?
is it that hard to use chopsticks for what is traditionally eaten with chopsticks, use your hand for what is tradionally eaten with hand? use spoon for what is traditionally eaten with spoon? why are you so disrespectful?
I even eat pizza with a fork and a knife
Literal white nigger
you eat bread with utensils?
what a homo
why are wh*tes such disgusting pigs to not have a decent personal hygiene?
No poles aka albino apes are
Depending on what you're eating, yes
Probably only pizza, but even that is eaten with knife and fork by many
whites need machine tools to eat their food.
what will they do when the machines will rise against them?
imagine travelling 6200 kilometres just to end up delivering kebabs to polacks
I’ll join them to kill cancer of Earth – h*mans
next thing.. whites will use excavator to shove rice in their mouth.
>eats ass wit fork n shiet
why wytes do this ?
whites have absolutely no problem with licking each others' asses.. but make a huge deal if their hands touch the food.
>I even eat pizza with a fork and a knife
yeah cant trust them to actually make them since they always struggled with basic hygiene like washing your hands after taking a shit
What's the point when you can just use cutlery and it's much less messy?
>it's much less messy?
are you afraid of water and soap?
Yes, but only pizza and American cuisine
Not something so sloppy and messy as rice and curry.
It's just a pointless extra step
>Severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, the Ganges river provides water to about 40% of India's population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people which is more than any other river in the world.[3][4]
>The Ganges suffers from extreme pollution levels,[120] caused by the 400 million people who live close to the river.[121][122] Sewage from many cities along the river's course, industrial waste and religious offerings wrapped in non-degradable plastics add large amounts of pollutants to the river as it flows through densely populated areas.[9][123][124] The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many poorer people rely on the river on a daily basis for bathing, washing, and cooking.[123] It has also been suggested that eighty percent of all illnesses in India and one-third of deaths can be attributed to water-borne diseases.[e]
>Varanasi, a city of one million people that many pilgrims visit to take a "holy dip" in the Ganges, releases around 200 million litres of untreated human sewage into the river each day, leading to large concentrations of faecal coliform bacteria.[123] According to official standards, water safe for bathing should not contain more than 500 faecal coliforms per 100 ml, yet upstream of Varanasi's ghats the river water already contains 120 times as much, 60,000 faecal coliform bacteria per 100 ml.[125][126]
>It is a most sacred river to Hindus,[5] and worshiped as the goddess Ganga in Hinduism.[6]
No, people here eat with their mouths
>After the cremation of the deceased at Varanasi's ghats the bones and ashes are thrown into the Ganges. However, in the past thousands of uncremated bodies were thrown into the Ganges during cholera epidemics, spreading the disease. Even today, holy men, pregnant women, people with leprosy/chicken pox, people who have been bitten by snakes, people who have committed suicide, the poor, and children under 5 are not cremated at the ghats but are left to float free, in order to decompose in the waters. In addition, those who cannot afford the large amount of wood needed to incinerate the entire body, leave behind a lot of half burned body parts.[127][128]
>After passing through Varanasi, and receiving 32 streams of raw sewage from the city, the concentration of fecal coliforms in the river's waters rises from 60,000 to 1.5 million,[125][126] with observed peak values of 100 million per 100 ml.[123] Drinking and bathing in its waters therefore carries a high risk of infection.[123]
>The incidence of water-borne and enteric diseases—such as gastrointestinal disease, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and typhoid—among people who use the river's waters for bathing, washing dishes and brushing teeth is high, at an estimated 66% per year.[123]
>designing various types of cutlery
>manufacturing all these types of shenanegans
>forcing people socially to use them
>cleaning and storing them for future use.
i just listed you 4 extra steps.
just imagine how strong their immune systems are
Yes of Indian water
Why does this Swedish subhuman keeps making this same post again and again.
I don't support this kind of cutlery autism, which was only done by the upper classes anyway
But if you just have a knife, fork, and a spoon then I don't see the problem
for you this might be snobby.. for me what you are saying is snobbery.
If Indians started using cutlery, you'd call us subhuman shitskins who needed the white man to give him cutlery.
If Indians don't use cutlery, you call us subhuman shitskins who eat with their hands.
There's nothing wrong in eating with your hands and washing it proper later. Much retarded to adapt a completely alien custom. The reason why India is a shithole is the government trying to put a Western model onto a completely different population.
You eat chicken with a spoon or something?
Let's agree to disagree :)