
Attached: britking.png (1111x116, 11.25K)

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were in here

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delusions edition

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Fuck off, Owen, you creepy little fudge packer.

this hairline is fine

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> 31st of March


scotch langegg

It looks okay on him cos he has a decent shape face and skull.

doing a watch

why the fuck is the irish mob threatening to murder jake paul


Because they're cringe.

must say "Trevelyan" is a very peng sounding name

I'm eatng krave for breakfast, just gave me mums cat some dreamies too.
What you lads up to?

hate spackers that say how much they love winter, 'such a comfy atmosphere' etc. etc.

hope youre fucking happy cause this is utter dogshit

Should I close down my Help-to-Buy ISA and move it into a LISA? Seems like I can put much more into the LISA each year.

not him and that isnt scots but anyway

"Twa cont[ra]rius thingis opponit till othir ar maide kenspekill in thare awne kynd hes blak anentis quhite;" - 1538

He called that gypsy boxer a pussy for not fighting him

hope it happens
would be very funny

looks like i'll be getting the vaccine courtesy of toil.
pray for me lads

Because Jake Paul is a Redditor cunt who has done his last dab

fucking fucks sake lads i've fucked it was messaging this girl and i put *does a little dance* when she asked to be entertained now she thinks i'm some dungeons and dragons role playing fedora freak why the FUCK do i let /brit/ seep into my social life

>I earn 60K, am intelligent, hard-working and successful.
>I also posts frogs all day on /brit/
LARP threads are my least favourite thing, after simps and namefags. Nobody thinks you're cool or successful. You post here.

Are you 14

Reminds me of that little Britain sketch of the hotel owner

Hope you enjoy being chemically castrated.


kraves are peng

Good. That's great news.

>that isnt scots but anyway
will take the word of the scottish government over you mate

here’s another fine example of scots language

always think of 006 from goldeneye

No, I just bought some since I haven't had krave since I was 14.

Relax, she probably doesn't give a shit.

literal child. Enjoy your youtube beefs, cringe cunt

calling people simps gets you banned on twitch now

bugger off takeshi

I'll take the word of theman who wrote the first scots grammar over you.

been on regular Zig Forums

they have this freak called shahar, he's kind of like a jewish version of are amer


I work a continental shift pattern mate. I go back to work tomorrow night
Why are you upset? Did your stupid business studies degree not get you the money you were hoping for?

things are going excellently I'll have you know, though I'm sure I'll get my just desserts soon enough

doing a....doing a big think
so the median Australian earns about 38K pounds
43K if they're fulltime
50K if they're a MALE fulltime

Attached: hmmmmm.png (1399x501, 50.07K)

>chocolate cereal for breakfast
Childish, fat wanker.

>I'll take the word of theman who wrote the first scots grammar over you.
when was that? 500 years ago?
lmao state of you

shocking you don't remember shahar's brief spell of posting here

Imagine defending these YouTube celebs, you pathetic fucking zoomer paki

day of the rope current order of service

1. journalists
2. landlords
3. recruiters
4. marketers

shahar is based

>shift work
grim. will literally take years off your life.

Genuinely not the case.

how much do male fulltime forkies get

Landlords first

30 years ago.

she wants a man who is 26 years old and only has a provisional license

estate agents
hr workers

no HR?

You sound very secure mate, bragging on Zig Forums about how cool your life is. You're better than me, obviously. Post another frog.

Nobody likes cockblocks.

nonces first

Absolutely despise hearing British accents on multiplayer games. I either go solo or play on yank servers.

>the first grammar for the “language“ was only wrote 30 years ago
yeah mate nice dialect you’ve got there