>Edible insects and lab grown meat are on the menu
>coming soon to a table near you
Kek glad that despite how many problems I've to deal with, neither of these two will be my problem.
You say that now. But you WILL eat the BUGS
I am neither white nor chink so I won't, instead I'll be eating a HALAL SLAUGHTERED LAMB instead.
so what's your issue with lab meat?
Aren't grasshoppers halal?
>The Arab of the desert eats locusts, while the dogs of Isfahan drink ice water.
Probably something Arabs of the Arabia do, but not here, just like drinking camel urine.
Own nothing.
Eat bugs.
Be happy.
>lab meat
>fired turks
I paid good money to eat bugs in London. I had a cricket salad and some kind of locust contraption, alongside some exotic African meats.
Not a huge fan desu, but cricket flour is becoming more popular.
I don't mind eating bugs from time to time if it tastes good and isn't bad for my health
Ah yes, journalism.
I've had crickets and locusts. Grasshoppers are okay since they literally just taste like grass, like the smell when you mow the lawn. Despite tasting okay, there remains a bit of a yuck factor where my body doesn't want me to put bugs in my mouth. Crickets literally taste like shit though.
theres a reason corona kills your taste
Insects look like an exquisite appetizer ngl
northeasterners fry the butt of this ant
they say it tastes like peanuts
this shit's gonna take so long I'm not even worried I'll be already dead
I still don't get how Zig Forumsschizos are so against it.
We eat food from the very bottom of the food chain and animals from higher up in in the food chain. What is so weird about eating something that is between that?
Are they just little manchildren afraid to try something unusual that is out of their comfort zone?
It's not that insects are inedible, it's that some journalist fuck is writing tons of articles about how "we" need to replace our entire diet with minimal cost alternatives while not touching big corporate industry that is infinitely more wasteful and damaging to the planet than some guy eating beef.
Insects are more efficient than beef and other animal products. And insects are entirely edible, why wouldn't they be unless they were poisonous?
>drinking camel urine
is this it bros? first these meats will be advertised as a trend, then start as a proper business that will crush genuine meat because it was backed by mega corporation.then there will only be wagyus tier meat in private owned farm for the elites while we subsist on insects and treat ourselves a nice slice of synthesized meat at the end of the year?
People already eat insects, only they're third world shitters so they have a good reason. If I need low cost protein I'll just stick with beans, rice and chicken like a normal person.
>Insects are more efficient
Life isn't about efficiency. You go down that route and you'll eventually be harvested for resources.
It's pretty common in Arabia, just google MERS.
you don't NEED a semi automatic weapon
you don't NEED a gas guzzling car
you don't NEED a spacious house
you don't NEED tasty food
Nothing surprises me at this point.
You two faggots feel free to eat your lab grown meats and insects all you want just don't expect anyone else to follow.
Even the cow be like "fucking loos, man"
When I glaced at the thumbnail from the catalog, I thought this was a close-up of the conepiece of a bong with some funky looking smoke in it.
That makes sense. I can understand hating obnoxious journalist faggots and their hypocrisy.
I don't care about turd worlders and what they eat. If bugs end up being a cheap and healthy addition to what I already eat, I will eat it. Simple as
I don't care what other people do or eat. Stick with whatever works for you. I am just open to at least trying these things and might intregate them in my current diet if it ends up being worth the money