
the normal thread edition

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Thats a nice bunny there, it would be a great shame if someone were to cook it.

>persia and arabia
>not persia afganistan and tajikistan

you wanna eat fyrombey?

I wil eat that bunny. One way or another.

Ah yes, Zion of Tajikistan. How could I forget?

seek help

Yeah, I don't know who is in your pic related, but I've read about Bulgarian criminals working here. A Bulgarian couple (Angelo Dimov + Nessie Peeva) were murdered a couple of years ago. He was under investigation for credit card fraud.
If you know of more, and bigger, Bulgarian gangsters here, let me know. I always like reading up about that stuff. Btw, how do you feel about the way Bulgarians are depicted in the West? Always seems like they cast you in a unfavorable light. Like sleazy, dodgy, savage, brutal etc.

seek a new IP address
and some prep you GRIDS ridden faggot

/e-asylum/ formerly known as /balk/

Obligatory post

Attached: balk tımarhânesi.jpg (777x437, 135.23K)

Tell me Turko, have you come to hate Turkish soap operas as well, or have you been spared their bullshit and somehow they are only broadcasted here?

We dont really care about the image we have to be honest. We take pride in what we are, there are bad apples everywhere unfortunately. And in this region you need to be a bit savage otherwise you wont be on the map in some hundred years, it's how things are around here.

Of course I hate them but there were some good ones like
&c. Shan't give a full list. I obviously don't watch them anymore.
>and somehow they are only broadcasted here
How are they broadcasted in Albania? Are they dubbed or subbed? Are they on national channels or some irrelevant ones? What do people think of them and who watches them mostly?

Indian soap tv > Turkish soaps

>т. Индocлaв Maнгaлoв

Attached: Gypsies.png (578x419, 39.62K)

whiter than you, turk

>Weaker than you, BLACK BVLL
Glad we're on the same page.

Bceки тpeти БГ кoмeнтap пoд cтaтия:

i wont be surprised if some bugar has that name. it's expected from them at this point

They are subbed of course, Italians are the only motherfuckers that dub shit religiously, they are broadcasted in pretty respected channels, almost every channel beside like three main ones, of which they only broadcast some gay Italian shit and some American Romcoms, as for who watches them, everyone, fucking everyone, besides my Dad I am alone in my suffering.

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gentlemen what emotions does this image evoke?

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2% to 10% of their population have PATERNAL gypsy ancestry and their native youth are emmigrating en masse. Even Syrian immigrants avoid there. Bulgaria will be canceled and sons of Alexander Veliki will cultivate the fertile Thracian lands (and pussy).

Attached: Bulgaria-demography.png (785x470, 24.96K)

>emmigrating en masse
To where lol.

is he eating his face?

Who is the Macedonian in this picture?


its a greek propaganda poster the greek soldier is eating the voulgarians face

>They are subbed of course, Italians are the only motherfuckers that dub shit religiously
I don't know about Greeks and Bulgarians or the other countries that broadcast our soap operas.
>as for who watches them, everyone, fucking everyone, besides my Dad I am alone in my suffering.
Huh. In other /balk/an countries, only the elderly watch them as far as I know.

Nobody is emigrating, old fags are dying out. Turkey however...

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did nkreeks really wear skirts to battle?

they still do friend it maximises teabagging efficiency

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Hey /balk/, let's make a list of people by occupation that deserve to be killed, I'll start:

>go to fight a nigga
>hes wearing slippers with pom-poms and a skirt

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Yes, this.