Do you have Zig Forumsernational tomboys in your country?

Do you have Zig Forumsernational tomboys in your country?
Examples welcome

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Ash from Tom Clancy’s™ Rainbow Six Siege depicted in a sexual manner illustrated by Shädman.

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They're all lesbians and are probably not cute

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Is that...SHADMAN?


Of course!


>man du Shad

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Faggotman continues to post his shitty pedo bait under the guise of anything other than degenerate pedophilia


Talking about shadman Giuseppe.

how's it pedo bait. he can only draw like one body type and face and it aint a child's. it's ugly and awful 'art'.

>Not adult
Take your meds

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I'm mostly stuck in his gay ass children porn drawings the nigger kept doing, the part that makes me seethe though is that every time someone gave him shit he would immediately fold in and on himself and just profusely apologise, swearing on his mom's (which he made porn of) soul that he would never ever EVVVVER do it again, he would then do it again.

Do Albanians really?

Do Italians "love" children like that?

Why are you retarded?

Hey man feel free to die on whatever hill you want, I'm just screaming this extra loud for the NSA, don't wanna get Clintoned.

I hope they have psychiatric help in Albania, you sound completely gone

I'm legit not getting what you're so assblasted about at this point?

Am I? All I see is you screeching god knows about what, it's hilarious

No I mean what was your problem on part with what I said about shadman? There might be a slight possibility that this is a misunderstanding on both parties.

None, I really don't care about him
Just thought you were saying Ash is bait

Oh no I wasn't saying that I was talking about his kiddie shit, that ones fine.

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>man of shad

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