Why does Sweden have the best video game industry in Europe?

Why does Sweden have the best video game industry in Europe?

Attached: Notch3.jpg (1225x1035, 241.94K)

To be honest, there's nothing Swedes don't excel at. Quite remarkable considering how few we are.

>best at sports
>best at video games
>best at music
>best at food
>best at cuddling
>best at healthcare
>best at being based
Dare I say that SWEDEN is the best country in the world? Yes I may.

Extra info on swedish video industry?

>best at sports
>best at music
fuck no. SUOMI mogs sweden when it comes to music
>best country in the world
no that would be finnland or germany

Because France and poland are there to lower the bar

daily reminder that notch is finnish, therefore minecraft is finnish and i made minecraft because i am finnish and all finns are finnish so i am also notch

>thread about sweden
>finns start posting

>>best country in the world
>no that would be finnland or germany
no germany is shit
don't come here

notch is finnish

>posts a finnish man
>finns began to post

They just love us too much.

I've already been to Germany, twice. Peak /comfy/, or maybe that's because I'm used to South Africa. Was nice visiting my relatives, should go again, it's been 4 years since my last visit

>villagers noses
notch was extemely based but revealed his powerlevel to tw*tter

It also excels at being cucked by immigrants and the rona virus

Attached: 1607919513668.jpg (763x1200, 132.14K)

more immigrants for us 8)

okay humour me
how is notch a finn

we love them

his mom is finnish but his dad is swedish and he was born in swrden, which makes him Swedish.

>Paradox Interactive
>use the same shit game engine in nearly all your relevant games for the last 10-20 years

Our mobile games have made more money than all their games combined.

finnish 90s and 00s freeware were the peak of video gaming

Swedish videogames

Attached: 20201209020237_1.jpg (1920x1080, 227.65K)

he isn't, his mother is

Best musicians too

Attached: 1575942333408.jpg (770x1370, 208.7K)

>>best country in the world
I’d say that would be Norway or Switzerland

finland is better than sweden honestly

but finnish genes are stronger
in my research i found that finnish genes on average are 87,4% more dominant than swedish genes so Notch is 90% Finnish. and you must remember that all swedes are basically finnish rapebabbies and my dad was a viking and he raided norway and brought women to estonia my mom included she is norwegian but my dad who is russian is actually from germany because his dad got raped by communist women in france during world war 1 but eventually he came to denmark and there i was born with belgian birth certificate

really? What makes them superior to Finnland?
I won't come if it bothers you

objectively this.

literally everything

have sex

Norway > Finland & Sweden combines


Based and truthpilled

>I won't come if it bothers you
i was joking
welcome mang anytime

autism: the post

except language desu