Is this a country?

is this a country?

Attached: Flag_map_of_Scotland.svg.png (598x800, 84.79K)

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Imagine being a "scot" and getting your national identity from a fucking historically inaccurate Mel Gibson movie lol

yeah. scotland didnt exist until mel gibson released his film.
Brasalians are intelligent.

Scottish nationalism didn't

>scottish nationalism didn't
Records of Scottish nationalism go back to the 14th century

It is noticeably different from England culturally, and historically it is a nation so I'll go with yes.

I thought it started in the 70s.

And it completely siezed to exist from 1707 to 1995

>larps as Germanic (Anglo-Saxon) but actually 95% Celtic
>larps as Celtic (Highlanders) but actually 95% Germanic

PIc related is a "Celtic" Scot

Attached: 5b32c1b444b95.image.jpg (934x1400, 128.25K)

Not really. Things like the 1820 rising had many elements of nationalism.

damn thot yall niggaz wuz suppozed to be smart or sumthin

How are Scottish people "95%" Germanic?

Lowland Scotts by the coast were the most ravaged/raped by Vikangz, and all the Highlanders got expelled to New Zealand so the population of Scotland is mostly Germanic rape babies. 95% is just a number I pulled out my ass.

>Lowland Scotts by the coast were the most ravaged/raped by Vikangz,
On the East coast very few viking raids happened. Nearly all of it happened on the west coast and all the Norsemen on the west coast were removed by Somerlidh.
>and all the Highlanders got expelled to New Zealand
Not really true since the population never decreased during the Highland Clearances and actually increased due to better farming methods and medicine.
Even orkney and shetland are only around 40% Germanic and they were entirely norse culturally until the 18th century.


Attached: 1595819747538.png (396x385, 132.55K)

Okay but Gordon Ramsay is not a Celt

Yes he is English ethnically but ancestrally he is probably "Celtic" like most Scots are.

I lived in Alba for 1 year and you can tell the gap in identity/character/customs when you cross the border, although in big cities there is still a feel of shared Britishness and a lot of stuff may have been artificially brought back or concocted; religion and legal systems also set them apart, and if you travel to the hinterland like Inverness, Torridon or the Hebrides you're looking at a sovlfvl mixture of Celtic, Germanic and Nordic heritage which is fairly unique in the world. From a 'eestoricol and culchoorel standpoint I'd consider it a country

Doesn't exist in Scotland
That is a city on the coast so its impossible to be hinterland.

Okay, salty Glaswegian that has never gone anywhere further than Newggastle

What? I'm not a Glaswegian and don't see what I said that was wrong.


Attached: fine scottish dining.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

you're either being too nitpicky or you don't know what that word means. That you're also trying to correct me on [Alba] shows you're being emotional about my comment

Alba is weird since 70% of scottish people have not spoken gaelic for 600 years.

and yet everyone instantly recognizes a Hamish MacTaggart (100% Gaelic name) as a typical Scotsman while nobody can tell a John Brown (pron. Broon) of Scotland from a John Brown of England.

and your point is

mental how you are btfo

The Lowlands are heavily Anglo-Saxon, just as much as any region of England. Dunno about Norse settlement but certain regions of scotland had the most norse settlement out of the entire isles.

Scots language is basically just english. If anything the scots are just a region of england.

>he is probably "Celtic" like most Scots are.

Scots aren't fucking celtic. The highlands are absolutely desolate, consisting of a few hundred thousand people. Outside of the Highlands (which is over 90% of the Scottish population), they are Germanic.

Attached: highlands.png (1469x743, 178.9K)

everything that the world knows Scotland for that isn't an industrial revolution era invention is of Gaelic provenance

>The Lowlands are heavily Anglo-Saxon, j
Neither ancestroally nor culturally
>If anything the scots are just a region of england.
said no one but you
So you are admitting your just braindead thanks

that area you marked is the highland council not the highlands