Is Genshin popular in your country?

is Genshin popular in your country?

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What the fuck was his problem?

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God, they made Zhongli based.
You're back!

Ah yes, the classic Country Girl accent, the "Ni Howdy, Partner" for VC Fetish.

I never touched this game but I still managed to coom to it everyday

what you coomin to

Is that also how it sounds in non-English voice? I use the Chinese voice, but there is no way for me to determine whether it uses some particular accent.


based Dongli

I hope all of you are Amyfags.

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my fetish


>Fischl: My magic arrow cries out my holy name as it streaks through the night, praying that the violet lightning of retribution shall strike the enemies of fate down from the skies!
>Oz: Quite awe-inspiring, mein Fräulein! Since it's nearly dinner time, perhaps you might shoot a pigeon down while you're at it?

>only low GDP countries make genshin posts
>low GDP countries can't afford to play the chinese slot machine
>people in low GDP countries will work for very low wage
it's almost if...someone is getting make these threads

idk i don't have frens

>not being able to afford a free game
I wish someone paid me to shitpost here. Alas, I do it for free.

Yes, multiple of my friends and I play it.

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I got Razor the other day. He's awesome.

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>tfw no venti :(

coomer bait

I wanted his cute shota ass so bad bros...

You did get him right?

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Jean is the best waifu material.

sorry user, I invested in GEOcoin.

why are homos after these neotenous "adults"? are they all pederasts like in ancient greece/arabia?

I thought western people had higher standards. I guess I was wrong.

Its easily the best phone game and a good game in general, no shit people play it

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I see... Thank you... China has so much to learn from Occidental xiansheng...

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Sadly its kinda popular among zoomers

most of us do but there are the useless in all regions.

Are you a lady boy?