is Genshin popular in your country?
Is Genshin popular in your country?
What the fuck was his problem?
God, they made Zhongli based.
You're back!
Ah yes, the classic Country Girl accent, the "Ni Howdy, Partner" for VC Fetish.
I never touched this game but I still managed to coom to it everyday
what you coomin to
Is that also how it sounds in non-English voice? I use the Chinese voice, but there is no way for me to determine whether it uses some particular accent.
based Dongli
I hope all of you are Amyfags.
my fetish
>Fischl: My magic arrow cries out my holy name as it streaks through the night, praying that the violet lightning of retribution shall strike the enemies of fate down from the skies!
>Oz: Quite awe-inspiring, mein Fräulein! Since it's nearly dinner time, perhaps you might shoot a pigeon down while you're at it?
>only low GDP countries make genshin posts
>low GDP countries can't afford to play the chinese slot machine
>people in low GDP countries will work for very low wage
it's almost if...someone is getting make these threads
idk i don't have frens
>not being able to afford a free game
I wish someone paid me to shitpost here. Alas, I do it for free.
Yes, multiple of my friends and I play it.
I got Razor the other day. He's awesome.
>tfw no venti :(
coomer bait
I wanted his cute shota ass so bad bros...
You did get him right?
Jean is the best waifu material.
sorry user, I invested in GEOcoin.
why are homos after these neotenous "adults"? are they all pederasts like in ancient greece/arabia?
I thought western people had higher standards. I guess I was wrong.
Its easily the best phone game and a good game in general, no shit people play it
I see... Thank you... China has so much to learn from Occidental xiansheng...
Sadly its kinda popular among zoomers
most of us do but there are the useless in all regions.
Are you a lady boy?