Will you fuck a german woman?

No, never.
Because of what they did to my people.
They exterminated 6 million of us.
It will be a blasphemy and a crime against my ancestors to fuck a german woman.

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I most definitely would because I would like to continue the tradition, my father and his family are german so breeding with a german would be ideal. I love Germany

>It will be a blasphemy and a crime against my ancestors to fuck a german woman
It would be revenge. Your ancestors will look down on you with pride knowing you are literally fucking germans which they tried so hard to stop

You blame existing germans for a crime their ancestors did? Sounds autistic desu

there are still some 80+ who are directly responsible for the war crimes. Never forget the 80+ germans who are still alive and currently running around the country freely


And yes, I would. I like Levina, who scored 6 points at the Eurovision.


I'd fuck a German man, yes. The current generation has nothing to do with WW2

>nazi children have nothing to do with nazi's!!!
>except for their heritage, genes, language, culture and everything else

Didn't know 5 year olds were top dogs in the Wehrmacht.

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>nazi children have nothing to do with nazi's

Why did you eat your mayor

5 year old germans are already capable of the most horrendous war crimes

Just think of it as using them to remake some of those people

I have sex with a German boy.

Depends. What do they smell like?

>No, never.
>Because of what they did to my people.
>They exterminated 6 million of us.
>It will be a blasphemy and a crime against my ancestors to fuck a german woman.
t. my ancestors made highly successful porn fanfiction about concentration camps

when will you pay for the 7 million dead ukrainians your people killed?

I fucked a Jewish girl in Cuba for this reason. It was beautiful, so much passion and moisture. I think we can all solve our antisemtism by sleeping with pretty Jewish girls.

I would never have sex with a German woman, I'm waiting for a Steppe gf to do it with.

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You act like they didn't have heritage, genes, language, and culture before nazism. What a dishonest take

>t. my ancestors made highly successful porn fanfiction about concentration camps
both awful and disgusting...but also fucking hilarious kek

He was actually the ruler of the Netherlands at that time. Stadthouder actually meant placeholder in the old days. He was the placeholder for a non-existent King.

And he tried to turn the Netherlands into a proper republic with elected leaders. We can't you do that dave.

How about a Jewish german?

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Well, those ancestors you were talking about had other ideas. But maybe it wasn't about sex strictly speaking but more about bootlicking and handjobs.

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but shahar, she's chubby...

*can't let you do that

except jews and poles were best buds in europe

no they look like men

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shahar stop this

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He should have made an even bigger mouth in the last panel.

Yea, i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they're not interested in dating 80+ year olds

Deluded greek user with yellow fever, I....

You mean during WW1?

WW1 Kaiserreich unironically did nothing wrong.

I would rather jack off to cartoons than fuck the abomination that is a western woman

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Or do you mean the whole blood and iron thing?

You're one third of the dead. Why do you get all the credit?

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loli lewders deserve to be gassed.


Yes, to avenge the humiliating defeat that our soldiers endure during ww2

Why so upset

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My great-uncle was a schizophrenic homosexual and no one remembers his suffering.

So you did refer to blood and iron. From Otto von Bismarck. I get it.

That's also very noble, compared to the freedom and equality of France. And the trade oriented Netherlands.

I disagree with your reasoning but I agree with your decision.

Freedom and equality. Trade and tolerance. Blood and Iron.

s-she cute

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lmao as if the colonial, genocidal Netherlands didn't live by the premise of blood and iron. You people are such pathetic hypocrites.