The USA has displaced Europe as the world's historical hub of innovation, culture and technology...

The USA has displaced Europe as the world's historical hub of innovation, culture and technology. Longstanding empires [spain/uk/france/portugal/italy] have crumbled to nothing while the USA basically runs the whole world.

THIS is the reason why EU's seethe @ burgers

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Also the fact media in countries like Netherlands, Norway, Sweden literally care more about what happens in America than their own fucking countries lmao

no shit

This is actually true. I did a year abroad in the USA and the wages compared to the UK are crazy. On top of that I went to a friends house which was massive and literally had a pool in the back yard even though his parents were high school teachers. You could never live in a place like that on a uk teachers salary. The opportunity and quality of life in the USA is miles ahead of anything in Europe

delete this

wow thanks for the newsflash, mister ~1960
cant wait for another one.
will they tear down the berlin wall?

Imagine being from Australia. The retarded brother that could NOT do what the USA did despite being basically America 2.0

Lmao what innovation?

You know we build our pools right? Like with shovels and concrete.
We don’t throw money at things.

None of that is innovation though and it’s certainly not culture. What we actually do sink lower and lower into materialism.

considering those countries are nothingburgers it makes sense
usa is truly crazy
its true pizza bro
your country [austria] used to be absurdly important for it's size and part of a massive empire that spanned much of europe; now where are you? Filled with pozzed migrants and basically germany's somewhat more retarded little brother
your empire will never come back bro
all of it

It's not the 70's anymore.

remember when the french empire encompassed like 1/2 of africa?
now 1/2 of france is africa

You have never been, and will never be, anything but utterly, utterly insignificant.

yuros absolutely seething itt

>your country [austria] used to be absurdly important for it's size and part of a massive empire that spanned much of europe; now where are you? Filled with pozzed migrants and basically germany's somewhat more retarded little brother
i was literally agreeing with you yet you decide to be a stupid fuck.
>basically germany's somewhat more retarded little brother
>more retarded

tell me in all honesty: what does your "relevance" give you, australia?
you are as pozzed as it gets, have shittons of migrants as well.
youre not allowed to own guns, you are not allowed to go on group motorcycle rides with your buddys without informing the police, you get railed up the ass when you drive too fast, you cant carry a fucking pocketknife, the only way to experience something fun in australia is to become part of the military and slaughter afghan farmers.

so yeah, Austria is pretty irrelevant from a global perspective, but being relevant doesnt give me, as the citizen, anything positive.
why would i give a shit about the relevancy of my home country?

your country is only known for the rape and plunder of europe over two world wars and the hallmark of all evil with nazism
>i was literally agreeing with you yet you decide to be a stupid fuck.
I wanted to rub it in
The rest of what you write is pure seethe

>The rest of what you write is pure seethe
well, they are facts

42.5 years is the average age in austria

>your country is only known for the rape and plunder of europe over two world wars and the hallmark of all evil with nazism
only Zig Forums shizos think that.
maybe you should try leave your home once, incel

can you pls tell orban to ignore what the EU said and to keep sending back the fucking migrants

america said germany did the nazi and is bad
america runs the world
thus germany did the nazi and is bad
nobody cares what a hungarian says
too bad, you got a birth rate of 1 and they have a birth rate of 10

Our white, black, and asian birthrates are all stagnant. The only people who are actually increasing the population are Hispanics.

even hispanics are dropping; inbred hicks in the south and midwest are [thank god] bringing back white america

No you dumb kike. It's because as the US rises, so do jews and when jews rise, europeans suffer. If you're white and you don't hate america, you're a cuck.

Yep, absolute kike. What else would you expect of an aussie who loves america? Faggot.

take the fucking meds now

Cope harder kike

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not a jew
take the meds

i don’t think anyone refutes this nor cares

>take the meds
Absolute cuck

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