I am 175 and weigh 58 kilos. Skinny af with thin forearm.
Do women find your body type attractive?
I am 175 and weigh 58 kilos. Skinny af with thin forearm.
Do women find your body type attractive?
I am 179 and I weight 61 kg
>Do women find your body type attractive
193 and 71 kg
skinny as fuck too, no idea some women might. far better than being obese for sure
I played college football. I was probably 195-200 lbs. at 6ā1ā. Today, Iām 245 lbs. and most of that came on in the last year...
Fit enough. 195 cm - 113 kg.
189cm and 78kg
>Do women find your body type attractive?
I make eye contact with cuties often but other than that I don't know
Cringe. Unless you are gay and want buttsex in prison.
My gf has a lot tattoos than I do.
>"lot more"
>Do women find your body type attractive?
no, I need to lose 10kg
i think my body is fine, tho I suspect I might have a small case of gyno and am pondering if I should get a surgery of them
>How fit are you?
Horribly out of shape; likely to die by the time I'm about 50-60.
>Do women find your body type attractive?
I'm unfit and at the dying end of my 20s I gave up a long time ago.
Based barbarian strongman.
im 175 65kg. Im turning fat beause i stopped exercising.
I have Hungarian relatives on my mothers side. I wanna visit someday.
Weight 80 kg
Need to workout but fucked up my calves muscles and now I've been out of commission for months.
185cm, 80kg, I do cardio and calisthenics, think I'm pretty fit
how havent you died from low bp yet
also 5'11'' 138lbs
177cm and 71kg.
I never lifted in my life, been told I have a great butt, big hands, wide shoulders and strong legs and arms. Gf constantly hints that I'd look even better if I lifted, but I refuse.
Unless you're a turbo manlet or a very hungry skeleton, your body doesn't matter if your face isn't attractive.
I think I remember you desu, you were asking if you'd manage with just English in Hungary or something like that maybe a year or so ago
Dunno about cms, but I'm 6'1 and 63kg.
>Do women find your body type attractive?
They seem to find my face attractive, and they find me funny (maybe pity laughs, who knows). I would say no though.
I'm making progress 189cm 77kg
175cm 72 kg :).
>that frame
lmao, "bro"(more like sis) I feel like I can just pick you up from your wait with just one hand for some reason lel
Eat a lasagna or two, that will sort you out.
post body
Do you use steroids or other drugs?