Japanese Prime Minister edition
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see how easy it is to trigger 190? just say you enjoy humiliating him and he seethes.
>Gross Pay: £8,748.19
based bonus month
Mental how saffer gets exposed over and over but every time he pretends like it didn't happen
190s breath smells like egg
Thank you david-kun, could you prevent name nonces from posting in this edish?
190s girlfriend
>smoking rollies in my room
>mum: "what's that smell it fuckin stinks"
kek, every time
Mate, I know fuck all about Suga. How do the japs rate him?
Janny woke up very early today and started removing threads in a fervour, and he's still on it. Janny get your meds lad.
instead of “waiving” his presidential salary he should have raffled it off every year
would’ve been great PR
socialism? big fan
>smoking rollies in my room
runt alert
Mark has bought ANOTHER £1200 macbook pro after refunding his other one like a week ago
ahh I wont lie you have a point
Ill still be the anti-name nonce poster though either way
does she know you smoke
did a rather short and very sharp fart and now my bumhole feels like its been stung by a wasp
nah, which makes it 10x more funnier
fuck off mark
don't give a toss
foing a listen
no he was left
hello autistic spic freak
grim grim grim
for me it's Raging by Kygo
This one's as sneaky as the long silent ones that may output some excrement. Be wary
I’ve shagged on the beach of Naxos. Right on your fucking back door step son. What are you going to do about it?
Jk love Greeks you’re ace
how come men find it hot when their wife gets off on him fucking a woman but women find it gross when a man is a cuck?
I don't know
Whoever the PM is, he is our leader anyway
ordering gadgets, waiting for delivery, unboxing and setting them up is one of the few hobbies he has. Gets bored with them within a day or two because he doesn't actually want/need them, just likes buying stuff.
so grim... only alternatives are gambling and drinking
people are so much cuter irl than in pictures . this holds true for models and influencers as much as for a normies facebook album
gonna get reaaaaaal high later tonight whos with me
humiliating 190 should be too easy to be fun but it is all the same
Aussie $ so strong right now. Makes my dick hard just how much dosh I saved
Indian man who runs the local corner shop just gave me a Christmas card and Cadbury’s Milk Tray to say thank you for being a loyal customer
Could cry lads
is the dip consuming *frican man in?
need his opinion on if I should go get some smokes after toil today