The recognition of the superiority of the white race over all other human races has many benefits, the first of which is that in this belief in the superiority of the white race, recognition of the inferiority of other races is what sends the soul to laziness. This is good, because activity and diligence are not a matter of the lower races, but rather fun and entertainment. If it is said: The lowest race can work hard, excel and reach what other races have not reached if it increases its effort, we said: This is a mandate for the lower races beyond their capacity. Moreover, a complete superior race can increase its effort as well, thus reaching amounts that the least races cannot reach.
Why you should become a race realist as a brownie
Tldr. Too busy having sex to care.
Shut up and have sex
tl;dr have an orgy
wow, a man that is twice the size of another man just beat the shit out of him, what a surprise
You will never be white.
You are racially inferior.
Your mother and sister masturbates to tall white men.
doesnt matter if you are actually a self hating brownoid or just a proxy, you need to have sex.
I kicked a pregnant syrian. I hope her bastard is dead.
White supremacy benefits brown people.
A small population of browns can be absorbed in a larger white population.
Living standards improve, genetic quality improves, technology progresses.
>being this much of a cuck
me hit hard
me superior
>gets enslaved by pretty much every other race
Its the uncle tom monkeyzilian again.....
If I have sex, brown muzdogs will kill me.
Brown people should be aware of their limited capabilities, and live their lifes accordingly.
It is called being race realist.
Based monkey.
>It is called stupid
ah I see ok
IQ, height and wealth statistics dont care about your feelings.
how do you explain great brown people?
Honestly kinda sad, every peoples have some histroical achivements to be proud of. The main thing isn't to get hung up on them, you are not your ancestors, you are you. As such you should strive to be the best you can be, an in the process not just win renown for yourself, country, or race (lmao), but also humanity as a whole.
Your mindset is keeping you down senpai, not your supposed (and fasle sense of) racial inferiority.
literally who cares
>muh wealth
further proving who controls the narrative
congrats you played yourself son
>If I have sex, brown muzdogs will kill me
Don't be disrespectful to your family
Just tell your mom to arrange cutie for marriage & have sex with her
you've got a point
modern whites are the biggest joke on the face of planet Earth to have EVER existed in all of humanity's entire existence as a species
there has never been a more domesticated, docile weak race than modern whites; eternally consuming jewish entertainment, watching game of thrones and eating mcdonalds. fast food, television, hollywood, jew movies, coca cola, walmart, buy buy buy consume, video games anime entertainment, bread and circuses of the domesticated cattle
the first sub-human de-evolutionary collective
what's worse is they want to enslave the globe to their brainless, soulless, hedonistic capital consumerism
But you can write this about almost every group that lives in the second generation in Merica. The only difference is that joggers chimp out there and then
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Typical roach behaviour not surprised desu
>it's called being race realist
Being race realist is one thing and sucking up wh*toids is another thing.
Covid-19 has proven once and for all that the average wypipo is as stupid as a Jahiliyyah Arab.
Don't bring this stupid Zig Forums shit into Zig Forums, we are all brothers here