Best jokes of your country

A man bought a hat and it fit just right

A bear was walking through a forest and saw a burning car. He got inside and burnt down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Wait, you dropped something! (to a person who's walking)
>What? (stops)
>Your SPEED!

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is it a pun in russian?

B кaких языкaх eщё пpинятo oпycкaть пoлoвинy пpeдлoжeния и пoлoвинy пoдлeжaщих?

Imagine yoda won't just speak his sentences in random word order, but also omit half of the sentence.

This is Russian langnage for you.

A man finds out that his wife is sleeping with another man. He picks up a fully loaded revolver, and heads into the café. He says "WHO IS FUCKING MY WIFE?!" and a guy in the crowd says "That revolver aint gonna be enough to kill all of us"

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B Aмepикe, нa бaлy-мacкapaдe к pyccкoй бaбyшкe пoдхoдит чepнoкoжий мyжчинa и пытaeтcя выяcнить ee имя мeтoдoм пoдбopa, нa чтo бaбyшкa eмy oтвeчaт: "He гaдaй".

Пpиeхaлa бaбкa в Aмepикy, a пo aнглийcки ни cлoвa. И вoт eй зaхoтeлocь мaннoй кaши. Зaхoдит в мaгaзин, a тaм пpoдaвeц чepный. Oнa пoдхoдит к нeмy и гoвopит: "дaй мaнки"

A man finds out that his wife is sleeping with another man. He picks up his coat, and heads into the local restaurant. He ask the owner "Do you know who's fucking my wife?
The owner hands him the white pages.


A blonde woman finds her husband in bed with another woman.

She loads a gun and points at at her own head. The husband says "stop, you don't have to kill yourself." The blonde says "you shouldn't worry about me, you're next"

A polar bear walking trough taiga and saw a car covered with snow. He got inside and frozen down.

took me a while

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i feel dumb for laughing at those

>russian humor


out of all the people of course its a germ making fun of russion humor

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A man bought a hat and says to another man: this hat is too big for me.

"It will fit me just right" thought the other man, but did not said it to not upset the first one.

>turkish humor

A man walking trough forest sees a burning hat. Turns it over and sees another man inside.


Wait, is having a big head a good thing in Russia?

Unironically those anecdotes are used to diagnose schizophrenia.

Mak kau hijau

it is a part of the joke, dumb

huh? for real?
i actually laughed tho

As macrocephalus it's hard to find a 63-size hat. And especially a helmet, it starts to look visibly larger than normal.

A man from Scania and his dog is sitting on a train when an Englishwoman comes and sits down in front of him. She notices that he is good looking and says (in English) "What a handsome face!". The man blushes and quickly replies "No, it was the dog!".

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>this whole fucking thread
Where's the haha funny?

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another blond one

three women are traped on a desert island 5 km from the mainland
a brunette a red head and a blond
the brunette swims across to the other side
the red head swims 1km out gets tired and swims back
the blond swims 2.5km out and swims back because she got tired

Two sailors are walking along the shore, and suddenly one of them turns to the other and says: – I'm not a sailor.


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A mathematician rides a train. It's a valley outside of the window and a herd of sheep grazes around. Mathematician shouts out:
- Hey! This herd has 11000 sheep!
A man sitting next to him says:
- wat? Listen, this herd belongs to my neighbor and it really has 11000 sheep. How did you know the number?
- Well it's pretty easy: I am your neighbor.
- Well, yeah, I somehow did not recognized you.

>what's going
>everything that has legs, other than chairs and tables, and the clock

is this another joke to diagnose schizos?

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man walks into a store.shovel

based finn

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i finally lost my sanity

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What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A stick.