I was born as a Turk but I am a Greece enthusiast

I was born as a Turk but I am a Greece enthusiast.
I listen to Greek music, I learned a few Greek words, I buy Greek olive oil, I eat Greek food. I am an orthodox Christian now.

I would give my life for Greater Greece.

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Are you the infamous "Ikibey"?

if you post your face i'd gladly take ur greek life when you back in your hometown in turkey

why greece tho its s shithole nowadays, like I would understand you if you would choose russia or china

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They are friendly people
Russians and Chinese would let you die if you collapsed at the street

>They are friendly people
well same as turks, they are friendly from outside tho like americans

>He doesn't believe in Hellenoturksim

Attached: Hellenoturkism.jpg (637x358, 69.48K)

turks have bad genes
they are like old world brazilians
i will use Greek donor sperm to make white children

unironically a goal to strive with vigorous propaganda campaigns

>i will use Greek donor sperm to make white children

I want to ensure that my children are Greek so I will use Greek donor sperm

Turks are literally greek. Turkic people live near the caucasus

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>Turks are literally greek.
>posts a Slav

It would've been a reality if Ataturk lived 10 years longer. And if your post-WW1 leaders weren't genocidal maniacs

%100 Tatar

Look like the true borders Of Greece

>genocidal maniacs
thats literally turks and ataturk

I'm actually Armenian but I (figuratively) take my meds so I've been okay so far.

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>200 people


I can't help but see the I just live with the pain guy at that picture.


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>Greek donor sperm to make white children
Are you a woman?


Mustafa Kemal was a power hungry despot who saw they way to overthrow the Ottomans was by removing their claims to legitimacy: Islam. Kemal adopted secularism not out of enlightenment but out of opportunism. It did not prevent him and his successors from imperialistic acts.

Nvm then

So how are you going to make white children with Greek sperm? You are a Laz. Unless you were a woman being impregnated by Greeks.

Your mind needs to just start living in the first world
It's the guarantee way to peace

the true master race

How are planning on making children with Greek sperm then? I heard you could get preggers if you drink 2 gallons of sperm every day for a week though I can't attest for it's legitimacy.

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Learn how to speak the language more fluently, then we'll call you greek
Also post face (blur your eyes if you want)