Why isn't weightlifting or working out a thing in Asian culture?

Why isn't weightlifting or working out a thing in Asian culture?

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because u mum gay

they can't sacrifice a single hour of study a day they need to get into those sky universities

lol true. Applies for indians too.

>Study hard
>Get good marks
>Get into good college
>Get into good job
>Get married

Sums up the life of every indian

Asians don't produce enough T to build muscle

Bodybuilding culture is inherently homosexual and asians are less homosexual. Most women don't like big muscles, they prefer otter mode.

Because you don't need to muscles to get women, retard

What do women have to do with physical fitness?

>Bodybuilding culture is inherently homosexual
Fuck off James Felton just cause you're a faggot with mantits doesn't mean everyone has to be

our culture ain't revolve around sexuality sweetie

Weightlifting isn't a thing in 'white' culture either. The vast majority of people are not gym rats and just do cardio by riding a bike or going hiking occasionally. If you're talking about gym culture, that isn't limited to any race.

>I am a small manletboi and I cope by saying masculine features are gay

I'll repeat this question

because to them:
weak and fair skinned = wealthy, dont have to work
muscled and tanned = pleb working manually under the sun
thats why all their kpop pale twinks are so popular

The fitness cult is a symptom of Western rot unironically.

In the Netherlands it's very, very widespread among normies.


So you're saying bodybuilding is a western gay propaganda plot?

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ITT: incel manlet cope

Justify this outrageous statement

wrong chang, gooks are amongst the faggotiest of humankind. if it wasn't so the most lucrative sex market that brings millions of tourists in taiwan and other east asian shitholes wouldn't exist. and what's the most requested of all the goods? guess what, ladyboys

>Most women don't like big muscles
How big muscle will be? I got six pack and medium muscle if you can tell.

"Bodybuilding is a sickness of the mind, the male dynamic to obsession with you and fear of death, physical display of abundance not in health but of dismorphia, anotexic nervosa, poor self-esteem, insecurity, and toxic amounts of judgement not by God but of mortal and weak, pathetic men.
Vanity and delusion. Sickness and decay. Moral bankruptcy and a dis-ease if the mind and soul to which, unfortunately, there is no physical cure.
The tragedy of Rich Piana the Wise is, perhaps, the gestalt made manifest via an entire generation raised by television."


Obsession with physical beauty and pointless strength (ie for no other reason than to attract sex - contrast with a woodcutter or tradesman whose musculature is entirely natural) is a feature of widespread social narcissism and just goes to show how fake human civilisation is becoming

No. I’m saying it’s a symptom of our decadent.

Our obsession with fitness, and specifically fitness culture is the cult of the body. It’s a natural consequence of the western reduction to simple naturalism and physicalism. It revels in the affinities of the flesh and reduces logically even those things that might actually benefit from fitness to more low brow sort of physicalism. The soldier is now an athlete. The worker, a physical therapy patient. If the gym isn’t a means that someone can latch onto some sort of materialistic cultural cult, it’s something that people use to worship their own vanity (or elevate it), feeling, and appearance then it’s simply about work, muscle, sinew, and nothing more. We do this with everything. We tread Yoga as a an exercise and not a spiritual exercise. We tread soldiering as an athletic event and not soldiering. It’s totally materialistic and the cult that forms around it is desperate and confused. There’s nothing particularly admirable about reveling in the worship of flesh and harboring vanity imo. That’s not to say that fitness is inherently bad but it’s the culture that we have which reduces things into mere fitness and then fitness into something gross that it is bad. Other cultures don’t do this because the rot of scientific naturalism and raw vanity hasn’t quite gotten its hooks in yet.

All my opinion obviously.

>Pointless strength
>In a nation filled with niggers who will literally chimp out and try to beat you to death because they don't like the brand of shoes you are wearing
Yeah, I am going to keep lifting and keep boxing, chang.
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Can fuck right off if you think I'm reading this literal novella

>Weightlifting isn't a thing in Asian culture

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>Sums up the life of every indian
Maybe true for the top 10% in India or indian diaspora in the west.

>yeah i lift weight because.... because...
>...so i can beat up nogs
bahahaha what the fuck is this guy talking

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maybe the second gen.

Fresh off the boat are usually nerds or born into wealth.

Unironically kill yourself, women also like dead guys apparently since you want their approval so much.

>post China pasta out of no where
Literally schizo Jap with better English

I see Asians at the gym a good bit. More so than Latinos, despite that Latinos make up 18% of the country and Adians make up 8%