This enrages the european

This enrages the european

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Other urls found in this thread: lend lease

Yes it enrages me. Without Americans allying with commies and supplying their fighting men we'd have gotten rid of the communist menace. It's great tho seeing commies infiltrating all the upper echelons of American society and now you have marxist BLM burning down cities while cultural marxist degenerates control the culture. Funny how it goes ain't it?

>le cultural marxism
wow you sound like a boomer

They shouldn't have declared war on the USSR and then declared war on the US.

>but muh Lend-Lease

next time don't chimp out

do europeans really care? i've always had the impression it's an american obsession.
i don't get why they don't talk about the pacific where they were unquestionably important though.

i’ve seen euros shit and piss their pants when it’s implied that america was a big help in winning the war. probably hard to admit that the euro master race depended on a bunch of mutts to save them

We will exterminate your communist country soon

Europeans have been brianwashed by americans into being happy we lost the war.

>retarded post
>Canadian flag

Attached: Canadian garbage on the rise.jpg (1200x675, 159.48K)

You say we(as in all Europeans) but what you really mean is your country specifically


Nobody cares about the Pacific because it wasn't a battle for the future of the west.

Shut the fuck up commie you are a nation of commies that need to be destroyed before you destroy the world

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>They shouldn't have declared war on the USSR and then declared war on the US.
You should have let us deal with USSR
>next time don't chimp out
They started the chimp out. Why does America always do this, support the enemies of their enemies no matter what? This is how you did with commies when European nations were having the great crusade against them and afterwards you supported jihadists (arguably even bigger than the commie menace) against commies. It always turns out worse for you.

But if you kill us, we win.

Canadian garbage is America lole

Fake quote made up by the leftists CIA propagandists of your nation to gaslight the rest of the world into thinking we are leftist when actually America is the most leftist country of all lend lease

would we have been worse of if germany won?

>start out as enemies with the third reich and soviet union
>end up fighting Afghanistan

if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid

america was literally the only thing standing in the way of soviets taking over yurop after ww2

Stalin's saying this to be polite and Kruschev because he hates Stalin

History proved it was inconsequential

S tier cope

>Help evil communists kill all the bravest European fighting men trying to take down USSR and afterwards watch as commies steamroll half of Europe erecting Iron Curtain
>w-we helped against commies.

wow im so angry oh my god oh no all that rage

After Volgograd the Germans were pushed back and were most likely going to lose. Lend Lease came after this

The correct time to get rid of the communist menace would've been back in 1917. But the Whites were too stubborn and autistic, Ukrainians and Poles were too dumb, and the allies were more concerned with money and have actually disrupted the White efforts

Do people in Russia have a positive or negative opinion of Kolchak? Or does no one know about him?

Why do europeans and leftists pretend pic related never happened?

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>Help evil communists kill all the bravest European fighting men trying to take down USSR
do you mean the nazis? fuck them

>You should have let us deal with USSR

No, you dumb fucktard. You allied with the murderous regime that slaughtered and gassed over 6 million people, which makes ''le evill gommunism'' look ,like child's play in comparison.

Honestly, its kind of laughable seeing the Finshits suck kraut cock so much, seeing as they were the probably the most ''un-aryan'' country in Europe, and 80% of their people look like literal fucking mongolouds you see on those WW2 ''Der untermensch'' posters. You were a fucking cannon fooder for them, nothing more. Not to mention Wehrmacht burned down half of your country after September 1944 just because you stopped fighting the Russians, and could have exterminated you all for your disobedience, if they had more time and were not losing the war by that point.

Attached: Lapland war 1944 Rovaniemi.jpg (1920x1240, 677.59K)

>53% of US ammo production

Okay, this is fucking bullshit. Are you telling me 53% of American ammunition factories were producing nothing but Russian 7.62mm cartridge?

>do you mean the nazis? fuck them
Commie lover. Besides not only Nazis fought against communist menace. There were French, Dutch, Hungarian, Slovakian, Norwegian, Danish, Romanian, Italian, Finnish, Russian etc. people taking part in the great crusade against communism.
>You allied with the murderous regime that slaughtered and gassed over 6 million people
And what is the death toll of communism? Much much higher.
>Honestly, its kind of laughable seeing the Finshits suck kraut cock so much
Even more laughable is seeing a Pole suck communist cock so much.

Sorry those last two comments here were meant for him