Russia Europe or Asia?

Russia Europe or Asia?

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it's a tranny country

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Both because it's too big to contained in one continent/civilization

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Why is this even a question? It is obviously in Europe and Asia, with a European base

Europa is lawful Russian land.

It’s it’s own thing.

Pretty crazy to think that Russia could’ve actually spanned Europe, Asia, and North America.

it did for a while

But it doesn’t now is my point. It’s just weird to think about because obviously in modern day America, there’s Anglo influence, a bit of French influence, a bit of Spanish influence, etc. there could’ve been Russian influence too. Today there isn’t any really.

slavic russia: soulless
asian russia: SOVL

>there could’ve been Russian influence too.Today there isn’t any really.

not in NA. But central asia has a lot of Russian influence

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Personally, I would’ve appreciated a bit of Russian influence in NA. Probably good for the Russians that it didn’t happen. Bad for us imo.

fuck CCP

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add Alaska


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Canada too while you’re at it.

The Boreal Kingdom...

whoa dangerously based


1st emperor of evropa

100% asia

France really wants to get BTFO by the Russians again, huh?

based European brother
mutt trying to divide and conquer
fuck off, Europe doesn't need or want you

All Russia is Asian

> pragmatism, pls go
Kek okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I’m more European than you.

Alaska is rightfully Russian clay.

i dont want no mongols or persians in my EU

go get shot mutt

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Talk about cope

bang bang bang bang

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Most American post I have seen in a while.