I want to move to Europe to learn traditional medieval knightcraft and master martial arts like jousting and fencing

I want to move to Europe to learn traditional medieval knightcraft and master martial arts like jousting and fencing

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>medieval martial arts
Just a bunch of fat bearded faggot LARPers desu.
I have two metalhead friends who are into that stuff, it's just dungeons and dragons without the dices.


Based and Isekai and JRPG pilled

Attached: battle of looping.webm (800x450, 1.79M)

Oh, and one of my friends is actually a finn who has a masters' degree in norse litterature.


Attached: Italian tactics.webm (800x450, 482.7K)



Does anyone remember the Battle of the Nations threads we used to have on Zig Forums? Why is this board so angry all the time now?

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based finncel

tincan-hugging quickly becomes boring, though

Oh yes, the famous Hebrew state of Israel medieval infantry.

I want to move to Japan to learn traditional Meiji samuraicraft and master martial arts like archery and kendo.

So you're like the jap version of weebs.

Would medieval America have been kino? We have great landscapes. Imagine a castle in Northern Arizona or the Frank-Church River of No Return Wilderness.


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>Battle of the Nations
boring shit Russia always wins because it's team government founded and doped

Honestly, I think HEMA could be cool, certainly fun but you’re right. All the people I’ve seen get really into it are weird. Idk if that should deter people or not but it is true.

this looks fun as fuck

Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn
Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn
Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn
Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn
Heill Óðinn, sæl Óðinn

the slav matches were the best ones because they literally tried to murder each other

watching australians and americans larp as teutonic knights and beat each other up was also based

That wasn’t a joke YOU WESTERN CHAUVINIST!

Ken-sama, is that you?

I want to move to Japan to learn traditional japanese things and master japanese arts like being a Hikikomori or Karōshi.


Yeah, I was exaggerating. It attracts some weirdos, but honestly I think it's kinda cool hobby, especially if you aim for historical accuracy and interpret the old rules and stuff like that.

indians had castles made of dirt

I want to move to Japan and learn traditional Japanese Bujutsu and master martial arts like Kyudo and Sumo.

This isn't a shitpost btw. I am 100% earnest here.

Yes. It’s me.

Are you me?

hello proxyfag

it's not, you start watching it hoping to see Conan The Barbarian fights, then after 1 hour you just quit because it's 95% people hugging and tripping each others on the fence trying to make the other fall (like here )

Dawg, I’m talking about Skyrim set in North America, not adobe forts.

Yeah you sure love Sumo, you fatass!

Yeah. I agree. Idk maybe it’s because I’m American but I think that sort of thing is both enjoyable and important.

Attached: when will they learn - sumo.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

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I wonder how drunk Japs were on rice sake when they thought it would be funny af to bet on fatties wrestling

Then again, it's japan.

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Sumo are incredibly strong. It isn't just a fat dude in a diaper. Despite how fat they look they have a relatively low bf% compare to say the average American woman. Sure there are some supreme lardasses out there, but even they have quads and a core so over developed that their lower bodies would look like freakish machines if they lost the fat.
Sumo is an amazing sport.

No, I am the chankonabe posting Zig Forumsizen who is training for the US Sumo open that may or may not happen next year.

Attached: Chanko Gang Gang.jpg (810x1080, 841.3K)

>Despite how fat they look they have a relatively low bf% compare to say the average American woman.
You can't look at body-fat percentage of a male and compare it to a female, that's like trying to estimate the rate of prostate cancer prevalence by examining only women.