this is how a town from my state looks like, say something nice about it
This is how a town from my state looks like, say something nice about it
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It has the same architecture as the colonial towns of southern Mexico
looks cute
i'd go there if i could
100% looks like Minas Gerais and Goiás
yeah, they're really awesome is like being in the 18 century, we've many of them over here
>msc no tengo novia colombiana
me gustó el acento de la chica aunque el acento paisa es más sensual
My white friends visited some of allegedly third world places in the world and they say people always smile over there and they're never sad so they can't suffer and we shouldn't really send them money because they don't even need it, they live their happy lives with their families without problems common in first world. This thread seems to back their view.
>My white friends
what is the average temperature in there? is it warm this season?
some paises go there, it's really cool u can notices their accent
you should buddy
Doesn't look like at all, I can tell right away. Although it resembles a bit.
t. mineiro
That looks cozy, I love colonial architecture
Maybe they were in places with a better quality of life here, for example, Santander has the highest gdp per capital in all Colombia but if u go to other states, there is gonna be poverty
unironically looks like spain. actually most of latinamerica does, just without the crime or trash
Place looks really comfy, kinda reminds me of small towns from Minas Gerais
What are you talking about, it looks beautiful. Post more please.
this is the State's capital
yeah it's great
it is user, no crime, everything clean, colorful houses, Germans used to live in some towns here
They don't seem to use stone for the columns, the window pattern is different as well, the quintessential thing about our towns is the window pattern and the eiras and beiras, both lacking in OP pic.
The window pattern
they're different in that aspect
Remind me of northeast Brazil
Hahahaha, this. I was gonna call OP a brazilian attention whote. Tsk.
I live on this town
It's lovely.
yeah I'd love to go to Colombia, I like your accent, your salsa music and of course your women. I can't tell if it's safe to go to Colombia or not (even if I don't want to "dar papaya") Speaking of Santander a guy on /trv/ said that in Bucaramanga (aka "la ciudad bonita") saw a man dead in a pool of blood, hay poco de bonito en eso.
Looks pretty comfy
Honestly, that kind of things are rare compere with other cities, if u decided to come, go to tourist places and don't use expensive things on u
I was gonna guess Brazil by thumbnail
got it, thank you colombianon. Ojalá que pueda visitar su hermoso país, muchos éxitos.
Wish I lived there.
Closest cities, and universities?
Could be better if wasn't for all the soy and degeneracy comming from the city the south of it.
Do big cities in colombia preserve the colonial architecture?
>Do big cities in Colombia preserve the colonial architecture?
Yeah, it's part of our history so we take care of them, at least where I live
Good, more people should think like that