
battle of the welshmen edition

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is that a wild tribe of Rishi Sunaks?

bristol down graded to tier 2

Funny how if you are not sick you cannot transmit a disease that isn't aids eh? Mad scientific fact that.

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Hope all the normies aee stressed out with travel arrangements and buying presents and whinging kids and dying family ahaha

dog shit french edition

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grandad talking about killing nazis again

told him to dilate

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It's really fucking mad.

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we are outside of Zig Forums here

Funny how you can repeatedly post giant reams of autist info on /brit/ for some reason and literally everyone avoids reading it

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i was talking about the fourth industrial revolution to refer to the AI and machine learning boom last year and got told to blog on by you guys. now everyone's using the term. i have been vindicated.


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who scoffed all my Bounty Minis 500g Pouch?

I have become johnny silverhand


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mad she used to look like this

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i chucked em in the bin
where they belong

how is she munted, you bent twat?

genuinely cannot fathom furry runts

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This is NOT allowed, please read the rules

need a dose of aisha

just is

please mirror back selfies so we get an acurate representation of the femoid posted
also I'm an autistic virgin

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just took the test

not sure how to feel

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she looks like an ugly fish

hate women

i think the blue one is meant to be posted first

dulm.blue sounds like a virus to me

alri, gayboys

Attached: EpOaFt1XEAMcIlA.jpg (1638x2048, 449.23K)

wish i wrote in to blue peter

when's aisha coming back

is that linkara

sorry I offended your Queen simp

made a late posts xx