Post your favorite photos of Eastern Europe

Post your favorite photos of Eastern Europe

Attached: 55CD2645-B06C-43EC-9AE7-2840E2DB32F8.jpg (605x807, 93.79K)

Looks like some Fallout enemy.

Racist scum

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I'll post my favourite photo of Sweden instead.

Attached: 1332.jpg (1600x1200, 448.99K)

egg man

la creatura de las estepas

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Funny dog

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Looks like northrhine-westfalia

I lost the serbian highschool class photo from 90s

Attached: 1428277007039.jpg (453x604, 48.3K)

Anyone got that pic of a qt brunette squatting on some stairs with a shiv in her hand?

seek help

Anyone got that pic of that Polish Hussar riding in front of the commie blocks?

came here to post this

Attached: 1428261167583.jpg (660x495, 106.67K)

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>you will never be a chad slav and hang out with your makarov
I suffer in the first world bros

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Mega based

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Attached: invoker main.jpg (700x522, 61.44K)

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came here to post this

based belgian

Attached: 1439164488001.jpg (436x566, 66.33K)

Attached: 1428261976829.jpg (660x495, 128.83K)

My friends mam had 6 kids and never stopped smoking

hahaha based

Attached: 1428262039753.jpg (540x387, 21.28K)